Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thank Goodness For Skype

Last Saturday, I was online when I heard the sound of Skype which I love.  That means that more than likely, my little men are waiting to talk to their Grammy!!  And I was right!  I don't remember why Jordan was so unhappy here, but the expression cracks me up!!
Then I had someone with a mask make an appearance :o)  Actually when I first saw them on Skype they both had these masks on.  It was so cute.  I acted like they were scaring me and Caden thought that was the greatest thing.
Here Caden was taking the mask off to show me that it was really him! haha!!  He told me that they had made the masks.
We had a great visit online!!


Vi said...

What would you do without skype? I'm sure they love talking to you too. They're so cute!

Dorcas said...

I don't know what we'd do as Caden hates to talk on the phone!! But he'll talk on Skype without any problem. Jordan is so hilarious as he kisses the monitor screen and then licks it. He's too much! We talked to them today (Christmas) for about 10 - 15 minutes and they're supposed to call us tonight when they get home.