Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year ~ 2012 and Traditions

It doesn't seem possible that 2011 is just about over!!  Another year gone and over.  My wish for you and your's is that you have a very Blessed and Healthy New Year.  One of our traditions for New Year's is to have pork and sauerkraut for dinner.  Since we are invited out for dinner tomorrow, I decided to have this delectable dinner tonight.  Until we got home from the store and put it in the oven, we didn't eat until almost 8:00 pm.  That is really, really late for us, but we have Church at 10:30 tonight, so that was okay!  We got boneless pork chops instead of a pork roast as they're pretty pricy here.
And of course, you have to have mashed potatoes to go with the sauerkraut. 
Dennis always likes corn and also applesauce.
This is what my "1st" plate looked like.  We both are stuffed to the gills, but was it ever good.  There's enough leftovers for another meal :o)
Again, have a safe & Happy New Year!!

Getting Caught Up ~ Finally Caught Up

If there's one thing that is a waste of time it is ironing, but you've got to look nice, right??!!
I took the time one morning to do all these shirts.
Later that same day I took the time to do all these shirts!!
Then came the pants that needed ironed!  So at this point of the game I was all caught up until . . . . .
I did laundry again and then I had another round of ironing to do!  I figured with going back to work next week I might as well face the music and get 'em done :o)  So, I thought I was all caught up until . . . . .
I looked and there were five brand new ties from Christmas that Dennis was given that desperately needed a little touching up with the iron :o)  Now I'm totally caught up until . . . . . 
I do another load of dress shirts :o(  But until then I'll be happy I don't have to spend time with the iron!  haha!!

Fresh Lobster

A man from Church that knows Dennis likes fresh lobster brought him some last week.  In fact, he brought three and they were really nice size.  They were caught right out of the Sea here!!  I didn't taste them, but Dennis said they were delicious!!  Lobster season is for only a few days if I understand correctly and our friend said they are getting scarce as so many people catch them out of season.  Sad!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Living Life On the Edge

When I looked out my kitchen and saw this little guy hanging over the edge . . . . .
I ran to get my camera :o)  Just couldn't resist!!
That is literally living life on the edge! haha!!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dear Friends

When I started baking Christmas goodies I mentioned to Dennis that I wanted to go see some of the dear, sweet elderly ladies who come to our Church and take them some baked goods, candy and grapefruit.  He liked my idea!  We've both grown to love these ladies.  Some of them are so dirt poor that it is really pitiful.  Yes, we live on an Island where money was/is (?) laundered, but yet there are some really sad cases here.  We aren't classified as Missionaries or being on a Mission Field, but at times it seems to be that way!  So, when I got up this past Friday morning I started putting cookies in little gift bags for my friends until the bags were filled to the top.  When we left the house we stopped by the local grocery store and I ran in to buy two gift certificates and a box of candy canes.  Dennis wanted to get two of the ladies who are really, really poor and don't have much the gift certificates for groceries.  Much to my chagrin after we were on our way I realized I had forgotten the grapefruits, but I still plan to give them to the ladies when I see them at Church.
When these ladies are able to come to Church most of them sit on the fourth pew from the front right behind me.  We call them the "Hat Ladies" they wear their hats almost every service that they are there.  I just love them!!
I had Dennis take a picture of each of the ladies with me.  They are real treasures!!  One of our dear friends, Juanita, didn't want her picture taken.  I was disappointed but had to consider her desires!
~     ~    ~     ~     ~
She worked at our school for many years!  I think she would have been wonderful working with the students.  She comes to Church almost every service although she seems to be failing physically!
She is 93 years old and has a wonderful sense of humor and a beautiful smile.  Ersie is pretty much a shut~in and doesn't get to Church!  She's one that doesn't have much.  She doesn't even have a chair to sit in.  I believe she either sits on her bed or lays down.  Rather sad!  Her home consists of a bedroom, kitchen and bath.  She is our Premier's aunt.
A very quiet lady!  It's probably close to a year ago she fell and broke her hip.  If truth be known, I'm sure her hip broke before she hit the floor.  She is sooooooo frail.  Her house is big and very, very beautiful.  We were only with her for about five minutes as she wasn't feeling well!  She hasn't been to Church for several months.
What a sweet lady!  When Dennis pulled into her driveway I was so shocked as her house was so tiny!!  She wasn't home but was visiting with one of sister's a few doors away.  So, we walked over and found her.  She is so funny!  Every time she see's me (and Dennis) at Church she'll hug us and plant a big old kiss right on my cheek.  Sweet!!  Juanita, who I mentioned didn't want her picture taken is Clorinda's sister. 
She comes to Church regular.  Just the night before we visited her she was taken to the hospital by her niece.  She was having a lot of discomfort in her chest, but the doctor said he's sure it's not her heart!  We hope he's right and that she will be okay.  She, too, is very witty and loves life!
She is another sweetie!!  Lately she hasn't been able to get out to Church because of physical difficulties.  I was so happy to see her slowly walk down the aisle Christmas morning for the service.  She has several siblings who still come to our Church.  In fact, one of her daughter's is a wonderful friend to us as well and just about 2 weeks or so ago, her daughter came home from serving in Iraq in the U.S. Army.  She'll be here for about 1 month before going back up to Louisiana to the Army.
I was greatly blessed to go visit my dear, sweet friends and share some goodies with them.  When Dennis goes to visit them I'm always in the office working, but with me being on Christmas break it was a wonderful time to go see them!  I'm so glad I did!!

A New Hiding Place

The other day we were in the garage getting ready to go away when I looked out my window over to the side and this is what I saw!!  It's a very young Iguana, but why couldn't he rest somewhere else?  I've seen him there several times now and apparently it's his permanent resting place spot!

Dinner At Burger King By the Sea

This past Friday evening, we took some friends and went to the Burger King by the Sea in George Town.  We sat around after we ate for a while just chatting.  Then I happened to look out the window to this beautiful sight!  Just couldn't resist taking so many pictures!!

See the Royal Cayman Islands Police helicopter flying directly over the setting sun?

And then an airplane was coming into the airport.  Click on the picture and you'll see the plane right above the cruise ship. 
It's getting darker as you can see the lights on the ship as it's getting ready to leave port.

I know this is blurry, but we had left Burger King and were driving down the street when I put my window down to take this picture as the ship which was all lit up was headed out.  When I went to put my window back up it wouldn't go up!!  It apparently got off the track :o( 

Christmas Lights Cayman Style

This light display is in one yard and is just undescribable!!  There are so many lights and displays that I'm sure even as long as we were there that we probably missed lots of things.  The lights are so bright.  We talked to the guys who decorated last year and the stats on this are simply amazing!!  Two maiden sister's live at this home.  We've met them before and they are so sweet.  They're parents started one of the two funeral homes here on the Island many, many years ago.  The ladies still own the funeral home, but have a man from West Virginia who now manages it for them.  What a beautiful display they put up for the Islander's to enjoy!!

Palm trees
This porch is so beautiful with carolers and the Nativity scene
And on the porch is this scene with snowmen
and 'ole HoHo himself :o)
Giant . . . . .
. . . . .lollipops lighting the path
Our friends ~ Jim, Darla, Travis and Kirsten
Dennis and I
A bright yellow sunflower
A buck
This tree was so pretty ~ see the red apples on it?
Most of these trees are not even real ~ they are fake!!
The coconut trees were loaded with coconuts
In the gazebo
Candy canes also lighting the way
Another picture of a sunflower
Dennis with our friends
Some carrying on was going on here :o)
Our friends with me
Up the road a few miles from those beautiful lights is a mansion owned by a family who has a store here on the Island that is a Lowe's, but goes by another name.  They have their palm/coconut trees decorated so pretty!  This is at the front gate entrance.

So, we sure did enjoy our Christmas lights tour!