Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunrise Service 2013

Our day started very early!  I woke up around 3:45 and didn't go back to sleep in fear of over sleeping!!  We left our Church around 5:30 and headed to the Red Bay Dock where several other Churches gathered.  Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of the crowd.  Each year that we go to this special service the attendance is really growing. 
Here is Dennis, Pastor Gracia and Pastor Bobb.  Other minister's were there as well with many of their congregation.
Pastor Gracia sharing
I wasn't sitting at the right place this year to get a good picture of the sunrise, but here it was peeking through the tree's.
By now the sun was bright and rising in the sky!
My very favorite picture of the morning!!  I told Dennis it looks like a postcard!!
The Sea was so calm and quiet.  I was wishing that the waves would have been lapping in at the shore.  So peaceful!!
Happy Easter ~ HE IS RISEN!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

My Special Birthday Breakfast!!

Being today was my birthday it was a great day!  Busy, but good!!  When I realized that my birthday was on a day off from work I decided that I wanted to invite several (or many) of my good friends over for breakfast at 9:00 am.  I knew it would mean a lot of work, but it paid off!  There ended up being 16 came to share with me.  I didn't tell them it was my birthday, but some knew it.  We had a great time together.  Here are four different pictures from our time together!

I knew it was going to happen and it did.  I totally forgot to take a picture of all the food.  Let's see if I can remember what all we had.  There was:
a double batch of my breakfast casserole
sausage gravy
pancake muffins w/syrup
blueberry muffins
scrambled eggs
sugar cookies
snickerdoodle cookies
my cheesecake recipe that I made into cupcakes w/cherry topping
orange juice
grape juice
pineapple juice
I'm sure there's something missing from the list :o)  We all had a great time.  It got a little loud a few times with all these ladies!!  Haha!!  Dennis was the only guy.  He was a big help to me and the ladies enjoyed his company.  Good Friday here in Grand Cayman is a very Holy holiday.  Majority of the businesses here close for the day!  At 12 noon we had our Good Friday Service at Church.  We had a really good turnout.  Then at 2:00 we had a big catered meal in the school cafeteria.  They had fish w/a very spicy mixture to top it with, barbequed chicken, white rice, rice and beans, plantians, potato salad (not as good as your's Vi), curried chicken and a few other things.  The Church ladies took the desserts.  There was all kind of those sweets!!  Finally, it was time to come home.  I went into the kitchen to get some foil to cover the fish I was taking home for Dennis when I heard on of my friends say to someone else that she had another lady's dish that had cheesecake in it.  I looked and I about cried!!  When I made the cheesecake cupcakes for my breakfast this morning I had put the extra cheesecake in a Corningware dish and baked it.  We had taken a lot of food items for the breakfast to the cafeteria and put in the big cooler there.  When Dennis brought everything up this morning he left that cheesecake there knowing we didn't have room in our frig here in the house.  Here someone got it out for the big dinner this afternoon and they served our cheesecake.  I almost cried when I realized what they did!!  I still am in mourning over it :o(  I told Dennis that when we come to the States next week that I'll have to buy a Springform Pan and bake one!!  My heart sank to the floor over my devoured cheesecake as it's my very, very, very favorite dessert of all time!!  The phone started ringing this morning at 6:20 with the beginning of birthday wishes and they are continuing.  I love my family and love hearing from them.  So far, I've had a great birthday and the party is going to continue for about two more weeks!!  We leave here on Monday and fly to the States for almost two weeks.  We'll get to see Brett and his family and hopefully Brandon!!  I'm so excited.  Again, I am blessed and thankful!!

Brother Laten

Last week or so, I wrote about how blessed and thankful I am especially for good health!!  You may remember I mentioned about a man in our Church, Brother Laten.  He has had his share of many physical issues.  When I wrote that he was doing pretty good.  This past week on Monday he began running a fever again and feeling really bad.  This is not good for him as usually it's a sign something is going on with his liver.  In case you didn't read that particular post, he had to have his gallbladder removed probably two years or more.  When performing the surgery the doctor cut and sewed his bile duct shut!!  He's nearly died two times because of problems due to this.  Well, on Tuesday he was admitted to the hospital here in Cayman.  They finally got his fever under control and he's feeling some better.  He told his wife on Monday that he is getting so tired of this!!  So sad and it's all because of the surgeon's negligence!!  After going through many tests this week he is undergoing surgery again tomorrow morning at 9:00 and they are going to try to repair his bile duct.  Brother Laten needs a lot of prayer for tomorrow for the surgery and the coming weeks and months as he recovers!!  He's such a great person.  So, if you think of him please pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands through this complicated surgery and for a complete recovery with no problems!!    Thank you!!
P.S.  This morning early our phone rang and I answered it.  He called me from the hospital to wish me Happy Birthday.  How touching that was!! 


Yes, I'm anxiously waiting!  The table was all set last night, a lot of food prepared and still I'm waiting!!
Today I'm having several ladies from Church and School over for a special breakfast. Most of them don't know it, but today is my birthday!  When I realized I was off from work I decided I wanted to do something special for some of my friends on my "Special" day.  So, the time is getting closer, but in the mean time I am still waiting :o) 
I'll try to post some pictures of breakfast and my company later.  It's going to be a busy day as we have Good Friday Service at noon and then a catered meal following.  Then I'll be getting the suitcases packed as we fly to the States on Monday.  I can't wait!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Birthday, Big Bro!!

Dear Jim,
We wish you a Happy, Happy Birthday and hope your day is very, very special!
You are very special to me and am soooo glad you're my Big Bro!!
You're also one of my heroes!!
You've been there in the fun/happy times . . . . .
and through the dark times!!
Thanks for all you've done and for all the support you've given us over the years!!
We love you and again, Happy Birthday!!
Love you,
Dorcas and Dennis

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I'm Blessed/I'm Thankful . . . . .

Those are the words you hear from people here in Grand Cayman when you ask them how they are!  I'd say probably 80 - 85% of those who answer that question when I ask them respond with these words.  I had never heard a reply like that and I really like it.  Even non~Church goer's answer with those phrases.  Those words "I'm Blessed" and/or "I'm Thankful" are oh, so true!!   There are so many people worse off than I am.  Here's just a few examples: 
As I sit here on my sofa typing, there's a very, very large group of family and friends gathering over in our Sanctuary readying for a funeral.  The young lady that passed away was only 36 years old.  She had cancer and probably 1 1/2 - 2 years ago had her one foot amputated.  We were shocked when we heard she had died!  Her family doesn't attend our Church nor does Dennis have to do the funeral sermon (just prayer for the family).  The mother of this young lady within the last two years has buried both of her parents and I think one of her siblings and now her daughter.  I AM BLESSED!!
One of my good friends from our Church, Ceta, had been having really bad headaches for several weeks.  A co~worker of hers asked her to promise him she'd go to the doctor for a check~up.  She did.  After a few trips back and forth to the hospital for a CAT Scan and an MRI they found she had fluid on her brain.  You may say that is very scary!  Yes, it is very scary but when the medical field where you live isn't the best in the world it is even scarier when you are diagnosed with something to do with your brain!!  She wanted to go to Texas to be with her daughter for the surgery, but they said she shouldn't fly with this serious problem.  Many people prayed for Ceta and this past Monday she had surgery and they placed a shunt into her brain and the fluid is draining off and she's recovering well.  It could have been so much worse, but we're thanking God for His help.  Not sure what all maybe down the road for her, but for now she is good!  I AM BLESSED!!
Another one of my friends here, Celia, is probably around my age and is in very, very poor health.  The amazing thing is that she has lived long past the age that the doctor's said she would!  You see, when she was born they discovered that her heart is backward and it has a large hole in it, she has major problems with her lungs and so much more.  Just a few short weeks ago, she had to have what she called "a blood cleansing".  I think it's almost like a transfusion.  Then her body swelled up so much that she ended up going to the hospital (I think) for a day for them to drain fluid off!  She is one tough lady!!  And again, she's doing well for the condition her body is in!!  I AM BLESSED!!
Then there's our special friend Brother Latan.  If we ever met a saint it's him!  What a wonderful example he is of Jesus!!!  He's had some major health issues over the years and always bounced back.  Maybe a year or so after we moved to Cayman he had to have his gallbladder removed.  Most times now they do it by laser surgery and it's not near as bad as the old way when they cut you half way around your body (almost :o).  For some unknown reason, when the surgeon was operating he sewed up Laten's bile duct!!  The poor man just about died ~ several times because of the doctor's negligence.  He has suffered so much!  They air lifted him to Miami at least two different times when he was at death's door.  Not long ago, he was having some problems again related to the surgery, but once again he's doing good!!    I AM BLESSED!!
They sing a chorus at Church that goes like this:
"I am blessed,
I am blessed.
Everyday of my life I am blessed
When I wake up in the morning
'Til I lay my head to rest,
I am blessed,
I am blessed!"
Yes, as much as I hate to admit it I am getting older and do have my aches and pains, but I can say I AM BLESSED AND I AM THANKFUL because there are so many others that don't have as good as health as I do.  How about you??   

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

 Happy birthday to the best Daddy in the whole wide world!!
It still doesn't seem possible that you aren't here to celebrate your special day with us, but I know you're having the best party up there in Heaven with Jesus and Mom, Thelma and Mattie plus so many of your friends!!
So many memories are flooding my mind as I sit here typing this.
I always had a good time when I was around you, but as I got older I realized how special you were and how privileged I was to be born to you and Mom!!
I will think of you often today, Daddy, and remember all the good times we had together over my lifetime with you.
And another Happy Birthday in Heaven!!
I love you!!
From your little girl,
And I think there's a lot of this going on in Heaven :o)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy Anniversary!!

We'd like to wish you, Brett and Karissa a very Happy Anniversary.  Six years ago today (on St. Patrick's Day) you were married in Barberton, Ohio!  I can't believe it's six years already.  We hope you share many, many more anniversaries together!!  Thank you for blessing us with the two most beautiful and handsome Grand~sons a Grandparent could hope for.  Yes, they are very grand!!  Brett, thank you for the sacrifices you've made all of your married life serving our great Country.  You had to leave your family behind three times while you were deployed.  You left when Jordan was only 10 days old to go to Afghanistan.  Karissa, thanks for being so brave and being both Mom and Dad when Brett had to be away.  We're proud of you guys!!  We love you both and the boys, too.  Can't wait to see you in just a few weeks!!  Have a happy day together.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

In Loving Memory of
Matthew James Killinger

It's still hard to find the words to describe what I want to say on this post!  Today, it's 7 years ago that my dear nephew, Matthew, left this world to be forever more pain free from cancer!!  It's just still hard to believe that he is gone.  As painful as it is for me just being an aunt to Matt, I can't even begin to imagine the pain that my brother and his wife, Jim and Cheryl, Matt's siblings, Michelle and Michael alone with Matt's wife, Lisa, and children Haley and Cameron are still feeling.  Yes, they say time has a way of healing, but losing someone you love so dearly and so young has got to be one of the worst pains that you can experience!!  Matt had such a kind way about him that everyone loved him.  You may not be here with us anymore, but your memories still flood our minds when we think of you.  We miss you so much!!  
I love you, Matt!!

Today I was listening to this song and hope that Matt's family will take the time to listen to the words.
You'll have to cut and paste

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Our students have been many different kind of "Thon's" to raise money for the school.  This group was getting ready to do a walk~a~thon.
Miss Blake, their teacher, had them
walk around
Compound several times :o)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Champ vs. Iggy

It seems there is always some adventure going on around here and this past week has been very interesting.  Last Sunday afternoon, I went out to feed my dog, Champ.  He was tied and when I got over to him I looked down by his food dish and water pan and there laid an Iguana about two feet long dead!!  If he can catch them he doesn't always let them escape.  Other times he just plays with them and tantalizes them.  It sort of startled me and I jumped back.  Now, I'm really not afraid of them, but I'm not really fond of them either.  Like I said they just startle me if I don't see them at first.  I was telling our school cook about it and said that it was going to lay there unless Dennis or Randy, our gardener, moved it :o)  The next day, Monday, Champ got off of his chain which he's been doing a lot lately.  I really don't care as there is a wall/fence the whole way around our yard, so he just loves the freedom to run.  Late in the afternoon I got ready again to go out to feed him.  We have a big enclosed back porch and right outside of the door is a pretty good size cage that a friend gave us to use when our puppies were born almost two years ago.  When Champ is off the chain I usually set his food on top of the cage, go get his food bowl and then mix up the food in his bowl.  Well, when I went out the door I went to set the food on top of the cage and I thought I would DIE!!!  There was an Iguana stuck in the top of the cage with his tail down in the cage and it was straight up and down not leaning against anything!!  I started screaming and ran to the other side of the porch.  Dennis was just inside the door sitting at the desk using the computer.  Of course, he looked and I told him to come out.  I told him to look at the cage and when he saw the Iguana I said he was going to have to get the critter unstuck :o)  I then got off the porch to the yard.  All we can figure out is that Champ had caught it and left it get away from him and it crawled up on the cage and ended up getting stuck!  It's funny now, but it wasn't then!!  Now, on to today excitement.  Dennis had two meetings over in his office in the Church and was gone from about 9 this morning until around 1:30.  I happened to be walking through the house when I looked out through our dining room french doors to the back enclosed porch.  There was Champ by the steps just staring out in the back yard and not moving a muscle!  I thought there must be an Iguana out there.  I ran to one of the back bedrooms to watch the circus :o)  He lunged off the porch missing the steps and headed straight for a huge Iguana.  The tail alone had to be at least three feet long!  They went back and forth along the wall/fence three or four times.  Champ would try to grab it, but the Iguana would flip it's long tail at him.  That's their protection.  Well, Champ kept at it until he wore the Iguana out!  It was hilarious.  I took over 40 pictures through the bedroom window :o)  I knew if I went outside I would distract them.  It was hilarious.  He would pick it up and flip it around.  It would land on it's back and just lay there and slowly get back up on it's feet.  Oh, my was it funny.  After bit I decided to run back out to the front part of the house and get my zoom lenses to get closer pictures.  Champ never saw me.  Usually if I go to one of the windows he spies me immediately, but today he had something else on his mind.  Haha!!  Later in the scuffle of the two, they ended up over at the steps to the back porch and two different times I thought the Iguana was coming on the porch, but Champ would grab it.  I watched for maybe 20 or 25 minutes and then went on to doing something else.  When I went back to check later I saw blood on the side of the house.  Previously I hadn't noticed that Champ punctured it, but he apparently did.  I hope it went somewhere and died.  Those things are such a nuisance.  The Caymanians and people who have lived here for a long time say that since hurricane Ivan the Iguanas have multiplied much, much more.  With Champ you never know what a day will bring forth.  I told Dennis it's like Champ is telling the Iguana's this is his turf now and I'll show you who is King of the Backyard!!  Here's some pictures of the action.

With the zoom lenses