Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Project #3 Completed

Yes, I know it's kind of scary!!  Three projects completed now!!  I'm on a roll :o)
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Remember I told you about buying the two extra shower curtains? 
Getting ready to do some ironing
and more cutting and then sewing.
I just wanted to add somethinng to my guest bathroom and this area looked rather bare, so . . . . . .
Tada, Tada!!
Originally, I was going to make a window curtain, but decided to do this instead.  I'm debating whether to put tiebacks on this or not.  Dennis thinks I should.  I'll have to look around at the store and see what I can find as I didn't cut any fabric off of this piece to make them :o(
Now I need to get to bed!  Tomorrow I must go over to the school and into the library.  It's been decided that I'm going to be the new librarian next year and there's a lot to be done before the new school year starts.  Someone is going to be there to help me learn the ropes.  They'll be teaching and hopefully I'll be the one who learns :o)

Project #2 Completed

Several months ago, I was given this urn filled with a huge bouquet of flowers.  If you've been following my blog, you may remember it.  It's been sitting in my foyer all of this time waiting to have a change of color :o)  The silver just didn't fit in with my decor.  Last week, one day that we were at a store similar to Lowe's I grabbed two cans of spray paint for a redo!  Today I took it outside and did what I've been wanting to complete long ago.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture before I started painting.
Here it is all done and ready to be put to use!  I moved it to our screened in porch this evening hoping it will lose some of the wonderful paint scent :o)
When it gets into it's new home I'll try to remember to post somemore pictures.  I want to honor the person who invented spray paint.  It's simply amazing what it will do!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Finished Project

Several months ago, we bought a new shower curtain for our bathroom.  The one that was here when we moved in was in pretty shabby condition.  I also bought one for our guest bathroom to replace the one in there.  After we left the store I mentioned to Dennis that I would like to go back and buy two more to match the one's we'd all ready bought to make matching curtains for the windows.  Like I said previously that usually during the school year I just don't have a lot of energy left when I come home from working in the office at the end of the day.  I started this project last week but never got around to completeing it until today.
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Pinning and ironing 
The window curtain I made matches my shower curtain.  I have a little bit of fabric left and am wondering what else I could do with it. 
I decided that with the curtains just hanging down that it was too dark in the bathroom.  So, I made some tiebacks and that let's the sunshine in.  I almost didn't make the tiebacks because it's been years since I made button holes.  So, I grabbed an old tee shirt and practiced on it.  They turned out perfect (or nearly!)  :o) 
Do you like them hanging or with the tiebacks better?
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Now on to another project.  Not sure when I'll get it completed, but I don't have lots of time left.  We have company arriving one week from today to do our Vacation Bible School and then two weeks from today we leave for the States and will be gone almost 4 weeks.  So,  I'm trying to stay busy and get some major projects done that I've been putting off!   When we got home I'll be starting to get very busy over in my office preparing for the new school year.


I just read this somewhere and had to share it!  Enjoy :o)

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Caden Andrew

Dear Caden,
Pappy and I wish you a very, very Happy Birthday!!  So sorry this is late tonight, but I had to download lots of pictures to put on here and then it didn't save my post, so I had to start over.  I hope you enjoyed your special day!!  Sounds like you had lots and lots of fun and did lots of exciting things!!  Here are some pictures of the first several years of your life.  I had a hard time chosing which ones to put one :o)  So, here goes!!
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Here's what your Mommy looked like soon before you were born.  It looks like she had a big watermelon in her belly, but really it was YOU!!
I've misplaced my memory card with your newborn pictures on it so I'm skipping to when you were 2 weeks old.  We made a trip to West Virginia to see your Great~Grammy and Pap.  You rolled over while we were there.  Your Great~Grammy loved you so much, Caden!!
At your first Major League Baseball game at the Cleveland Indians stadium
Oh, no!!  Is this Elvis??
Pappy use to rock you and sing "Jesus Loves Me" and you'd go right to sleep ~ usually!
Look how chubby you were BUT it wasn't for long!
"Ah!  Grammy take that sticker off of my head!""
We stopped for breakfast at McDonald's as we were on the way to take you and Mommy to the Cleveland Airport.  You were flying to Tampa for the first time to visit Daddy.

Sitting in Pooh . . . . . .
while Mommy showed us how you liked your cereal for the first time.
I was shopping at Wadsworth Walmart when I saw you and Mommy.  You were in a duck costume for halloween.  What a cute little duck you were!
Then we took you to the Pumpkin Patch

So adorable!!
Your very first Christmas

Were trying to stand on your head or what?
Checking out Toby who was on the other side of the gate
"Is there anything good in here?"
Pappy had to hold you because you were afraid of the sweeper :o)
Helping Mommy wash the truck
Look at this handsome man at Lake Anna
Up at the garden with Pappy holding his hammer
Being patriotic

Eating a snack at the Amish auction
Sporting Daddy's beret
Starting to stand all by yourself by the sofa
Pappy reading a Christmas story to you
Great~Grammy feeding you your bottle
You and Uncle Bubba
One of the trips we made to Tampa to see your Daddy
Finally, with your Daddy
In St. Pete at the Pier
Your 1st birthday
Enjoying your cake
With Pappy in his office at the Church in Barberton
We took you shopping at Home Depot.  You loved this big cart!!
With your Grammy
Helping to plant flowers in the Spring
Finally, Daddy got to come to Barberton
At the Church in Barberton
On your 2nd birthday we had a party with Daddy

We were outside working and it was so hot.  You decided to play in a bucket of water and then I picked you up and put you in the bucket!!  You had lots of fun!!
Eating an ice cream cone at Durbin's!  Wish we were there to do that now :o)
Ah!!  There you are playing with Toby!!  He was such a good and gentle dog.  We all miss him so much!!
Soon before you left to move to Florida with Daddy you were running around in the pouring down rain.  It was raining so hard that it was taking your breath!
Our family at Barberton in 2008
You and Mommy with Great~Grammy!
I have tons and tons more pictures, but have to stop somewhere :o(  I hope you Daddy, Mommy and Jordan enjoy them.  And that your day was super special like you are to us.  Don't forget ~ that it won't be long and we'll be coming to see you and we're going to have another party, okay?  Again, Happy, Happy Birthday to my Little Big Man!!
Lots of love,
Grammy (and Pappy, too!)