Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy 34th Anniversary to Us

On Thursday, Dennis went into town to the hospital to visit some of our people who are in there right now.  When he came home, he knocked on the garage door and I opened it to see what he wanted he handed me this beautiful bouquet of flowers.  There was a tag on them that said they were from Ecuador.  I'm not sure what kinds of flowers are in the bouquet, but I do believe there is a bird of paradise.  Maybe someone out there can help me.  He gave them to me for our 34th anniversary which was yesterday.  They are holding up really good!!

 For dinner last evening, we went to this really nice restaurant called The Prime.  It is a Brazilian establishment.  The food is out of this world delicious!!
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This is what we would call the salad bar.  But there's so many other foods on there than salad.  It's not like any salad bar I've ever seen in the States.  I think they should call it a food bar.  They have everything from spring rolls to large cocktail shrimp to soups to breads to a variety of cheeses and much, much more.
 This is how they serve the meats.  A waiter comes to your table with a big skewer and slices the various meats off for you.  They had flank steak (which I think was the best), sirloin steak, sirloin steak rolled in parmesan cheese, filet minon wrapped in bacon, pork, 3 kinds of fish, sausage, jerk chicken (which is a Jamacian favorite), lamb, chicken w/tomato and I can't remember what else.  We tried a little of everything but the fish, lamb, jerk chicken and sausage.  When we so full that we couldn't begin to eat anymore they brought the chicken with tomato around to our table.  We had to refuse it.  You only get a small portion at a time.  There's no way you could eat a lot of anything, because they have such a variety.  Plus you go to the salad bar first!
This is a very small part of the dining area. 
We were given a gift certificate for The Prime at our Christmas party from the school.  I was so full when we left that I thought I'd explode and I really didn't over eat.  I guess that's what dieting does to your stomach :o)


Vi said...

HAPPY 34TH ANNIVERSARY! You must've been a child bride! The flower's are gorgeous, but I was wondering if the cookie in the background was diet????? The restaurant sounds heavenly. Maybe we can go there next trip.

Dorcas said...

Remember, I told you before I was only 10 when we got married :o) And when did you say you were coming down?

Jeanne said...

very nice~and Congratulations!!!!

Dorcas said...

Thank you!!