Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas to My Little Buddies

The night before Brett and Caden left to head back to New Mexico, we had Christmas with the boys.  Although Dennis kept reminding me that Brett didn't have a lot of room in the truck this Grammy was still able to send some new toys home with them!
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Jordan with his "paci". . . . .
and Jordan without his "paci"playing with a new truck/animals !! 
Caden with his "shark ship" he was so wishing for :o) 
Jordan outside riding his new car
Eating some dirt cake in between playing and opening presents
Still playing with his Shark Ship 
Daddy helping Jordan open a gift 
A new tow truck 
And a new laptop 
A toy something similar to legos 
Big Brother was unhappy because Little Brother took one of his new toys.  Caden wasn't interested in playing with Big Bird! 
We got Jordan more toys, but he doesn't stay in one place long enough usually to get a picture of him :o)


Vi said...

Love all the pics of the boys. I think they enjoyed their new toys. You probably had room for a few more. How did Elmo travel? He wasn't singing too loudly that they threw him off the plane?

Dorcas said...

I probably could've got a few more things in there for them! Where there's a will there's a way, they say. I think that Brett had Elmo in the back of the truck in a trash bag. He probably was singing/talking there, too!