Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday in Tampa

Tuesday was a very relaxed and busy day!!  This is how we started off :o)
Daddy and his boys.
There's a little closet in the living room in the "Temporary Housing" where Brett's family is staying and Caden loves to go in there with his Grammy to play.  Well, here he is with his new gun he got on Monday.  The colors showed up so neat!

Being rather serious
 A certificate Brett earned
This is a good picture
Caden gave me a birthday card from him & Jordan.  Unfortunately, the baby was trying to take a nap.
Two coins Brett got from being deployed.  I have quite a few of these somewhere in storage for him. 

Playing with bubbles

There's my baby boy 
And his big brother 
And their handsome Airman Daddy!!  He had to go to where he reports for work for a meeting.
When he came back, he had a large long box and this is what was in it!  A new Fender guitar.
Caden thought it was pretty neat
Next, we went out for several hours looking for home for Brett's family to move in to.  We weren't too successful, but today is another day.  This picture of Jordan cracks me up!!!
When we got back on base there was one of the big AF planes on the runway
I had just told Dennis that I'd love to be able to stop by the pier and walk out on it.  About that time, Brett put on his turn~signal and pulled in there.  That was good timing!!  Here he had just taken off Caden's socks so they wouldn't get all dirty from the sand. 
Walking down the path
A beautiful wild flower along the way 
We walked through this huge pavilion and out to the Bay before going to the pier 
Father and son checking out the shoreline

Coming back 
Beautiful blossoms
Finally, getting closer to the pier
Looking for fish or manatee's maybe? 
A pelican

A look across the bay to the big city of Tampa 
The Paparzzi were on the loose

There's that baby with his Pappy again!
I thought this was so cute!  They were helping Caden look for seashells.
A parting shot
My little Afghani :o)  Really this was a hood thingy that Brett had in his goodies that was given to him before he left for his deployment! 


Aunt Vi said...

Thanks for the pics, skinny lady! BRETT, YOU LOOK GREAT!!! THANKS FOR ALL YOU'VE DONE! WELCOME HOME!!!! Luv ya

Dorcas said...

Thanks for the kind comments for Brett!! I'll tell him to read this. Love you!!

Jeanne said...

What a wonderful time that must have been.
It brings back memories when we meet Eric and Hannah.
love all the pics.

Dorcas said...

I wish I could really describe how great of an experience it was!! Just so glad we could be there! Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was an awesome one :o)