Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weight Loss Update

Well, my scale is feeling pretty good as it is not in as much pain when I step on it recently to check how much weight I've lost.  I've lost a grand total of 20 pounds so far on this journey!!  I was able to walk the past 6 evenings for nearly 30 minutes each time.  That is really helping me, but there are some weeks I can't walk that often due to our schedule!  It is beginning to warm up (big time) here and I'm wondering what I'm going to do when it comes to summer.  I don't think I'll be able to keep it up in the high temps and humidity!  I'd like to find a tread mill or something that I could use indoors.  We shall see!!  I plan to have a wonderful day as I'll be leaving here in just a short time to fly up to Tampa to see Dennis, my GRAND~babies, and daughter-in-law.  Tomorrow if everything goes as planned Brett will be flying into Tampa after being deployed to Afghanistan since August when his baby was only 10 days old.  So watch here for so updates!  Well, I must go so I can eat my grapefruit for breakfast.  Have a great day!!


Jeanne said...

Congratulations on your "will power"...wish I had some and I wish I could say I lost 20 lbs...hummmmm

Dorcas said...

Thank you!! It's not always easy to diet like this. Epecially when you're away from home :o) But people encouraging you along really helps a lot!!