Saturday, March 5, 2011

What A Way To Start Your Day

This morning I awakened very early unfortunately being it was a Saturday, but I knew there was much to do!  I got up and went to the living room to read for a little bit before starting off my day.  Soon after I was up Dennis got up, too!  I knew that he had a lot on his mind being today he is having his 28th funeral since we moved here not quite 13 months ago.  We had one this past Thursday, too!  After making his pot of java he came into the living room and sat down.  We talked for a little while and then he went off to check his email.  I decided it was time to get moving and washed my hair.  Now it takes quite a bit of water to wash and rinse my hair being it is very long!  I was very thankful for water :o)  After getting that job accomplished, I went to the kitchen and got my crockpot out of the cupboard and filled it with ingredients for a good pot of chili.  I'm sure that's not the best thing for a diet.  But I must confess I'm sure looking forward to a bowl of it later this afternoon.  I continued doing some odd and end things including emptying the dishwasher.  Keep in mind that we have a funeral this morning, okay?  Just a few short minutes later, Dennis announces to me that we don't have water!  I'm like "WHAT"?  Was I ever glad that I had my hair done, but the sad part was that he didn't have his shower yet.  He ended up calling our maintenance guy and later called back to tell us someone turned off the water.  There were several here in the front of the compound that didn't have water while those out back in the large apartment building did.  Apparently, this is the newest prank going on here in our community as on Thursday morning one of our teachers that lives in town said they didn't have water when they got up that day.  When her son went outside he found that someone had turned their water off!!  How disgusting when you're in a huge hurry and for something as important as getting ready for a funeral!!  So, all I'm saying is that you don't miss your water until it's. . . . . .
turned off!
 Last week one evening the maintenance guy called and asked if we had water.  I checked and we didn't, but found out later that was not just us but widespread.  So, right now I'm very thankful for water and that our's is once again turned on.  It's a luxury here almost even though we're surrounded by water having to buy it from the local water company is so very expensive!!  Fortunately, Dennis did make to the Church in plenty of time for the funeral.
Soon after he went over to the Church I did likewise as I was supposed to play the piano.  When I walked in one of my dear friends from our Congregation said she would take me up front to meet the lady who was playing the organ.  So up front we went and she did the introducing to a lady I've never met.  We chatted quietly about the music while sitting on the one of the side pews when she mentioned she was playing the piano while I played the organ!!  Yes, you read right!!  My heart skipped a few beats while I responded that I've never even played this organ and that I don't play the organ.  There was no way that I was going to play a song  on the piano and then her a song!  Dennis happened to be walking by and I mentioned it to him that I was just going to let her play for everything.  He said, "You might as well go home!"  Believe me, that suited my fancy since this was not a family from our Church and someone we didn't even know!!  Of course, this is a very small Island and it seems that everyone has at one time or another come to our Church in the past.  So, they naturally call it their Church!!  It is so funny!!  Yes, I came home and am getting ready to go change into my cleaning clothes and get busy while the funeral continues on.  What a day this has been and it's still early yet :o)  Oh, by the way ~ have a wonderful day!!


Vi said...

Glad you got H2O!!! Love the new background! How was the chili? Congrats on the weight loss!!!!.

Dorcas said...

Haven't heard from you on here for a long time!! Yes, we're happy for the water to be back on, believe me. When I got on my blog today the other background was gone. Don't know what happened, but when I saw this I really liked it!! And for the chili it was scrumptious after not having any for a llllloooonnnnggggg time. Thanks for the congrats. I'm hoping I can continue this journey for a long time. Love you!!