Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Four Weeks Old

I've been trying for a couple of days to load these pictures on this post, but blogger was super, duper slow!!  This morning it finally worked a lot faster.
~     ~     ~     ~     ~
"Are you a boy . . . . . .
. . . . . or a girl??
This Momma with the ever~growing babies in her care!
I've got so attached to them!  It's going to be a sad day for me when they leave :o(
I took them out of the cage and put them in the yard to scamper around
and run they did!
Then I gave them some water.  This was the first time they drank without me putting their mouths in for them.
"Big stuff, we are!"

Then they were all tuckered out and this little guy decided the best place to lay it's head was in the bowl :o)
And he maybe thought if his sibling could sleep with his head in the bowl, he'd sleep on the bowl!!
All sleeping!!  Shhhh!!
Must be in a deep, deep sleep or dreaming of more food
"Oh, man!  Why is she still taking my picture after I'm awake?"
Just changed positions and back to sleep they went
For a long time, this critter was watching every move that was made


Vi said...

AWE, so cute! You should just keep all of them while they're puppies. Then when they're all grown up .....!!! LOL! That bird looks like a postcard. Did he talk to you or whistle?

Jeanne said...

aaawww..they are so cute.
I bet you have lots of fun with them...so cute..

Dorcas said...

Haha!! I already tried that on Dennis about keeping all six of the puppies :o) No, the bird just chirped and chirped. He was pretty noisy!

Dorcas said...

Yes, they are so cute and lots of fun to watch. I wish I had more time to spend with them, but then I'd really, really get attached.