Thursday, April 7, 2011

And You Thought 26 Boxes Was A Lot?

Not sure if you remember my post about Dennis bringing 26 boxes of diet Jello home on one of his trips to visit one of our members in the hospital at Miami!?!?!  Here's the picture of that display!
Well, just a few weeks ago he was up in the Cincinnati area on School/Church business for several days and one thing on his agenda was to go to Walmart while on his journey's around up there.  He was going to RE~stock up on our diet Jello supply!  I believe it was the first night he was up there I happened to call and see what he was doing.  He answered by saying that he was just walking into a Walmart.  Oh, how I wanted to be there.  WALMART and here I was in Cayman!!  On his first trip, he did buy a few boxes of Jello.  As a matter of fact, he only bought 70 boxes.  That didn't happen to be enough for him and he went to another Walmart a day or so later and bought another 48 boxes for the grand total of 118 boxes!!  When he told me that, I just couldn't even believe my ears.  My reply was, "Where are we going to put all of it?"  After we got back from Tampa last Thursday, before I realized it Dennis put all in my one cupboard and it goes from the bottom shelf almost up to the very top ~ like three or four rows of it :o)  To my dismay, I didn't get any pictures of it :o(


Vi said...

Do you have stock in the company?

Dorcas said...

Did you mean ownership instead? Seems like we should one way or the other, right? :o)

Plainlady's Ponderings said...

Maybe I missed it, but why the affection for Jello?

Dorcas said...

Hi Brenda.....
I haven't heard from you for a long time, but I know you were out of the Country for a little while. As for the Jello ~ my husband and I've been dieting for several of months now. I usually make two boxes of Sugar~Free Jello for him every other day and it's a lot cheaper in the States than here!

Plainlady's Ponderings said...

Gotcha. I just was in that part of the world and still haven't recovered from the prices on some of the stuff!

Dorcas said...

When we lived in the States I thought food prices were high, but now I know what high is!!