Saturday, December 8, 2012

Our School Staff Christmas Dinner

Around the beginning of November, I found out that a committee I'm on here at school was supposed to plan the Staff Christmas Dinner.  I also found out that I was the Chairperson!  Oops!!  So, I did some fast planning.  Then when I knew I was going to West Virginia earlier than we had planned things sped up even faster :o)  This is where we finally decided to have it ~ Pappagallo's!  We had ate here once before and that was for the Premier and his wife's anniversary party.
Here are the other ladies that on the committee with me ~
L~R: Mazie, Debbie and Hermina
They are dear friends of mine!!
The room we were in was so pretty.  Do you see the windows in the background?  More on those later.
The lighting in the room was not good for picture taking!  Anyway, there was a pole that they had decorated with lights making it into a Christmas tree.  Of course, the picture didn't turn out, but hopefully you get the idea!  Notice the thatched roof?  They just varnished it recently and it was beautiful!
The next three pictures shows you what was behind the windows above!
They really performed for us.
 They were beautiful!
A huge turtle shell on the wall above the chafers
More people were beginning to arrive.
This is the table where we sat.
The other two tables.  There were several who weren't able to attend!
We played a Christmas Charade game and here Lorna was trying to act out here part.
My good friend, Treaty and her husband, Buddy
and more good friends!  This is Karen and her husband, Edmond.
After a delicious buffet with lots of good food with desserts and fun playing a game as we were leaving I took several pictures outside.
Two of our teachers as I was in front of them . . . . .
and then following them :o)
What a beautiful place and evening!!!!
Dennis said he thinks we found a home to have our Christmas Dinner next year.


Vi said...

Nice pics, Dorcas. Looks like a nice place to eat. Love the pics of the boys too. You always do such a great job with your blog.

Dorcas said...

Thanks!! I'm playing catch~up right now. So far behind!!