Sunday, July 8, 2012

Leavin' On My Mind

Dennis and I are so excited!!  Tomorrow morning around 9:30 we are heading to the airport to head to the States!!  I can't wait to go off Island and have a little R & R.  We'll be gone for almost 4 weeks.  That time has been planned and designated very wisely as we have so much we have to do and want to do!  Here's where we're going:
1.  Tampa, Florida to shop for our Church and School.  Then we have to make a trip to Miami to the shipping company since the one that they've used for years closed in Tampa :o(  That will take a day that wasn't planned for in the schedule, but we have to work it in.  There's so much we have to do while in Tampa.  Lots of items have already been ordered from various places in the U.S. and are at the warehouse in Miami waiting until we get there to complete everything.  Getting in and out of the port at Miami is probably going to be a headache, but we'll get it done!  I'm looking forward to driving down the Interstate toward Miami as there are usually alligators laying near the road for miles and miles.  Don't worry!  You won't miss out on seeing them as I'll have my camera with me :o)
2.  From Tampa we'll fly to Pittsburgh and rent a car to drive to West Virginia to visit with Dennis' dad a few days.  There are a few stores I want to go to while there.
3.  From WV we'll drive to Cincinnati to spend a few days with our dear friend, Amit.  He is getting tickets for us to go to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game.  That will be fun as we've never been to a Reds game.  Hope the weather is nice and not too hot or any rain!
4.  When we leave Cincinnati, we'll take Amit with us to Youth Camp in Ohio.  We'll get to spend that whole week with him.  (In case you forget or don't know about Amit, he is a super close friend of Dennis and I.  He started coming to our Church a few months after we moved to Cayman and continued to come until he left here last October.  So, we haven't seen him since then except for on Skype:)  We are so anxious to see him again!)
5.  After Youth Camp is over, we'll drive up to Cleveland and spend the weekend with our Brandon!  We are really looking forward to that time, too, as it will be very special.  And I can't wait to see his "new" apartment that he moved to some time ago!  We have plans to go to some Cleveland Indians baseball games while we're there.  That will seem like home and the good 'ole days!!
6.  When we leave Brandon, we'll drive back to spend some more time with Dennis' dad in WV.
7.   We'll make our way back to Pittsburgh to jump on another plane and take a flight to Dallas/Fort Worth and then on to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a short time.  When Brett is finished with work the day we arrive, we're taking him and his family up to the Denver, Colorado area for several days of vacation.  We're going to the Children's Museum, the Aquarium, the Zoo and I'm hoping we can take the time to go up Pike's Peak by way of the Cog Railway.  Not sure if we'll have time to do that or not!
8.  We'll go back to Albuquerque and fly back home here to Cayman.  Then I'll really need a vacation to catch up on my sleep after all that traveling :o)  I'll try to keep up with my blog, but not sure how good I'll be at it at certain times!!  Until then....................!!

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