Saturday, May 29, 2010

Some Beautiful Gifts

I have made some wonderful friends here at Cayman and this week they blessed me by being so thoughtful with some beautiful gifts/cards. Some of the items were even edible :o)
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One of the ladies gave me this nice card. . . . .
Another made this awesome "bag"! It's almost too pretty to use!! I can't imagine the hours she must have put into this. She used Silver Thatch which is a type of palm tree here on the Island. I just love it and want to use it, but don't want to ruin it!!
Then apparently it is mango season as everybody and their brother are sharing them with us!
Then one day this week while working in the school office a friend brought me a pretty bouquet of fresh cut Gardenias. Some of the ladies down here call them Jasmine. Oh, do they ever smell good!!
Let me say that this week they pampered me a little bit. The gifts are all beautiful, but that's not why I like my friends. They are all genuine friends and good people!!


Vi said...

Mom would have loved this gardenia!

Dorcas said...

It smelled soooo good!! And yes, she would've loved it. It smelled up my office and clear out in the hallway. When I brought it home it did the same. It was really, really strong!!!