Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Sad Farewell

Well, Wednesday was a day that Dennis and I both were dreading very much! You see, our good friends, John & Betty, who Pastored this Church here at West Bay, Grand Cayman for 17 previous years had come back in November. They filled in until we arrived mid January and then taught us many, many ropes that we so much needed to know. Betty spent two weeks with me in the school office teaching me so many things that when I think back on that time it sort of overwhelms me and boggles my mind!! John took Dennis around to visit the numerous shut~in's and seniors from the Congregation and to the hospital. Then he explained so many, many things to him! Being we're in a different country we needed to know their traditions and how the native people of the Islands do things. We could not have picked anyone to help us through this major move and transition any better than who God chose for us!! He always does the best. Like I said, Dennis and I were not looking forward to February 17th as you see, that was the day our new found friends went back to the States. We went to the airport because we had all of their luggage in our van. Dennis parked out front so we couldn't stay long at all ~ just long enough to say our dreaded farewells!! John told us in an email that Betty cried when the plane lifted off and he was teary eyed as well. After all, they gave their lives to this work here and to the people. They are so dedicated to what they do, so I understand why it was hard for them to leave again!! We want to wish them nothing but the very, very best! Their family is going through a lot right now, so if you think of them please, please pray for them. I hope that they get so homesick for Cayman and the people of the Church that they return before too long! We love you, John and Betty! May God richly bless you and repay you for all the kindnesses that you showed to Dennis & I!!
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Betty was prepared for cold Indiana with all the snow! She was wearing a sweatshirt with a leather coat draped over her arm!! Below are two peas in a pod!! You talk about joksters!! That's them right here!! Betty & I said we always worked in our office while down the hall you'd hear laughter out of these two. You never know what John will say :o))

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