Monday, February 1, 2010

A Beautiful Sunrise

I am usually up every weekday morning before the sunrises, but am in one of the spare bedrooms working on boxes. I have my own little ritual that I do :o) I always walk out here to the living room first thing and look out the front window several different times across the Sea. The first time I did this morning it was pretty much as usual. A few minutes later I looked out again and these are the beautiful scenes I saw!! One of these mornings I'm going to walk across the road to the water and see if I can get some better shots at the sunrise. Really the pictures don't do it justice but you'll get an idea of how pretty it is and what you'll enjoy when YOU come to Grand Cayman.


Jeanne said...

just lovely..

Dorcas said...

I'm always so impressed with sunrises and sunsets!!