Thursday, January 21, 2010

To My Dear Faithful Readers

I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything for the last couple of days, but I'm extremely busy right now. This weekend we're having our first guest that I'll be entertaining since our arrival here in West Bay, Grand Cayman. So, that means that I'm feverishly trying to get unpacked and settled in our new home! I've got a lot of pictures to post even from our last few days that we spent in Tampa with Brett, Karissa & "The Little Man"! I just have to take a minute to share with you what Caden said yesterday while I was on the phone with Karissa. I'm not sure but doubt that he even knew she was talking to me as she was telling me the weather was really nice and he was out on the deck playing. After while he came in the house and heard a plane go over (they only live probably 10 minutes from the airport). I could just see him in my mind as he probably looked at his Mom and said, "There's a plane ~ go to Grammy's!" I almost cried!! When we were leaving there last Saturday he wanted in the worst way to go with us. So, to hopefully help him I told him that he couldn't go in the car but had to come to Grammy's new house on a plane. And the smart little guy remembered that. I'm crazy enough to think and hope that every time he hears a plane go over his house that he thinks about this Grammy down here in Grand Cayman:o) Please don't tell me any different if you disagree!! haha!! I'm hoping that later today/evening sometime to post some pictures, so be sure you stop back to check. And yes, I'd love to know who all is checking my blog and if I need to continue it or not!! Please leave a comment after you read my blog.


Jimm said...

Dorcas, now I'll be thinking of you thinking of Caden whenever a plane flies by!! Be safe.
LOL Jimm

Dorcas said...

Haha!! Isn't that just too cute?? Kids say the cutest things!!