Friday, January 22, 2010

Am I Dreaming???????????????

NOPE!!!! I'M NOT!!!! I just got off the phone a few minutes ago with our Premier of the Island who attends our Church. He just invited us to their home for dinner on Sunday!! Me, 'lil ole me, Dorcas, is greatly humbled that he'd call and do that. I'm so excited and nervous. Pray that Dennis nor I do anything crazy while we're there because of nervousness. One good thing is that he seems very, very down to earth. We talked to him for quite a while after Sunday morning's service and he told Dennis that he wants to meet with him about some concerns he has with a few things (not us). I don't think he'll be talking anything about those things then as we'll be doing entertaining over the weekend with the Superintendent of the Caribbean Wesleyan Churches and he'll be with us. The gentleman who is coming in on Saturday is from Antigua. WOW!! What an honor and privilege to get invited to the Premier's home. This would be like visiting at the White House with the President of the United States BUT this will be better than going to Washington D.C.!!!! Just had to share some very exciting news with you!!
P.S. The picture at the top is from November when we were here and he was being sworn in as the very first Premier of the Cayman Islands!!


Anonymous said...

It is going to be fun following your "new" blog. I was thinking about you when I heard about the earthquake there, so was glad to read the update. Are John and Betty Case there with you? If so, tell them hello from the Canfields. We just met them at Richland this summer and fell in love with them!

Dorcas said...

We made it through the earthquake great, thank the Lord!! He sure had His hand over the Island!! Yes, John & Betty are here. They'll be here until February 17th. Dennis told the people in Church on Wed. night that he invited them to stay and be his Associate Pastor :o) They are really wonderful, great people. We've learned love them in the very short time we've known them. They've both been such a big help in this major transistion!!

Vi said...

WOW! I always thought I new everybody since I ran for mayor, but I see some people are even more "SPECIAL". The only difference is, we don't have a premiere. LOL!!!

Dorcas said...

I'm just trying to be like my big sis!! :o)

Jimm said...

Dorcas, don't be too jealous when you get our picture from Vi and us with Barage and Michelle Obanana.

Dorcas said...

Big Bro.....
Please, do NOT worry yourself to sick about me being jealous of you two having a picture taken with the Obama's. First of all, I know lots better than that :o))
Love you!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna go to the party, too! But only if they serve lima beans!!

Love ya,

Jeanne said...

wow!! now your running around with celebrities....
how nice...

Dorcas said...

You are funny!! You want to go but what if they DON'T serve lima beans, Silly???? Still want to go?

Dorcas said...

I'm soooooooooo excited about tomorrow. Dennis is also being installed as the new Pastor here in the morning. Big day ~ big events!!