Saturday, June 22, 2013

Father's Day Sunday Morning Service June 16, 2013

During the singing on Father's Day morning in Church
A view from where I sit :o)
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Look at the screen.  I thought it was so cute!!
The Women of Faith group sang a song for the Father's
Our good friend, Earl, was chosen by the Church Board to be the Father of the Year.  He is very deserving of receiving it!!  He was really shocked when Dennis announced his name.
Being presented a beautiful plaque from the Church
He also received a big fruit basket
This is Earl's step~granddaughter.  She comes to our school and is soooooooo cute!!  She was reading a letter that she had written to him for the occasion.
His wife is in the white/cream colored dress and the rest are extended family.  Unfortunately, his step-son and his family are in the back hidden.  His wife is from the Philippines.  Karen, at the pulpit, is reading a letter that Sophie (Earl's wife) wrote to him.  It was so touching as she mentioned how they met.
Here's the newlyweds Jeffrey and Kaneesa
We were asked to sing for this special service
At the end of the service the Father's all went up front and sang.  After which, our High School teacher, Mr. Benjamin dismissed with prayer.  It was a very nice program for the Father's.


Vi said...


Dorcas said...

It was a great Father's Day service!