Saturday, June 22, 2013

Awards Night - June 15, 2013

We hurriedly made our way home from the Mother/Father Banquet just in time to run over to the Church for the Annual Awards Night Program when the school students receive their awards and honors for this past years accomplishments.
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I snapped this picture of the Kindergarten teacher's newborn baby girl being held by her Grandmother.  Isn't the baby adorable??  I could just pinch those chubby little cheeks :o)
Tonya getting ready to present the Awards to her class
Beverly ~ our Kindergarten teacher and also the Momma of the cute baby in the first picture
Miss Samms
The few pictures I had taken of the students up to this point turned out blurry :o(
Lloyd graduated from Wesleyan last year and went to Canada for his first year of college.   He spoke to the students and encouraged them to continue on with their education!  He did an awesome job!!
This is where my evening ended with the Awards Night Program!!  I was very disappointed that I didn't get more pictures.  Miss Blake had just stepped up to the pulpit to start presenting her awards when a local man came into the Sanctuary and interrupted the program as he was super drunk.  Two of the father's got up and tried to get him to sit down, but they did not succeed.  I was upstairs in the Sound Booth as I like to take my pictures from up there, but quickly ran down the steps to try to help.  Dennis, who was sitting on the front pew turned around and saw it was Rayburn that was causing a disturbance and I was motioning for him to help.  He got up and Rayburn immediately cooperated with Dennis.  We took him outside and talked to him.  I ran over to our house and got a soda and some crackers to give him.  I told Dennis to go back in the Church that I would stay outside and try to keep him from going back inside.  He cooperated with me!!  We stood out there and talked and laughed.  He was very kind to me knowing I'm the Pastor's wife.  He's come to our door before and we always try to give him food and a drink.  It's really sad to see him like this!!  Of course, he always promises me that he'll come to Church, but never makes it.  One day, hopefully he'll come and be sober!!  I ended up spending probably at least an hour or more talking to him.  At one point, he started going back toward the Church as he wanted me to ask Dennis for money for him to take a bus to George Town.  I knew what he would use the money for plus Dennis wouldn't give any to him :o)  I convinced him that we couldn't go back inside as there was a special program going on and we couldn't interrupt them again and he cooperated!!  My evening sure didn't go as I had planned, but you never know what will come your way.

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