Monday, May 28, 2012

A Special Thanks To Our Military

I don't want to let this day pass without saying a BIG thank~you to all our Military who have served or are presently serving our great Country to protect us and continue to give us our freedom!!  We appreciate it more than you know!!
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Waiting for Brett to come off the plane from Afghanistan!  Poor Caden didn't know what to think of all the hoopla at this moment, BUT. . . . .
that changed very quickly when he saw his Daddy for the first time in months!!  Look at Jordan ~ so cute!!
So good to have him back with his family!!!
Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for our country!!  You're family has done without you while you were deployed, but you were helping to protect us all!!  Thank you for the countless hours you have and continue to work for us.  We can't thank you enough!!
We love you,
Mom & Dad
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Dear Jimm,
Thank you for your years of service to our Country, too!  I well remember the day when we took you to the airport to leave for Vietnam.  It was such a somber time, but when you came home we were all so happy and thankful.  I was pretty young, but remember you being gone for what seemed so long.  I still have a letter that you wrote me while you were gone.  I cherish it very much.
Thanks again, Jimm!!  You're the bestest of the best!!
Love you,


Jimm said...

Aw shucks, Sis. It wasn,t that btg a deal. For me, anyway. As I've said before it wasn't a chore. It was an HONOR! I'm proud of my service. More proud to be an American. Love you!

Vi said...

THANKS Brett & Jimm & all the others who served & are serving!!! REALLY APPRECIATE WHAT FREEDOM MEANS!

Dorcas said...

And we're proud of you!!

Dorcas said...

Yes, we sure do!!