Saturday, January 28, 2012

Heroes Day At Church

On Sunday, January 22nd, we celebrated Heroes Days at our Church.  There was much anticipation for this special service as there were to be quite a number of people honored.  Out of the nine honored there were four from our Church.
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Part of the congregation

The choir singing during the congregational singing
The Premier led the singing for this special service
Dear Aunt Julia has celebrated her 103rd birthday and she was honored, too!  If I'm not mistaken that is her daughter and son holding on to her.  What a wonderful lady she is!

Here she was presented with a beautiful plaque and later they gave her a dozen of red roses.  She is one special lady!!
Mrs. Deanna Look Loy ~ a teacher
Jenny Seymour ~ from our Church
Miss Samms, a teacher from our school was honored for all of her years of service here.  She is one of our dear friends.  Her brother, who lives up near Fort Lauderdale, Florida, flew down for the weekend, so he could be here for this special occasion.  It's the first time that we got to meet any of her family.  In the picture below, Miss Samms longtime friend and fellow teacher, Miss Blake, read an email that was sent to her from Miss Samms sister in Jamaica.  It was a total surprise to Miss Samms!
Miss Blake congratulating Miss Samms
Dennis presenting the plaque
I had to hug Miss Samms after giving her the fruit basket
Mrs. Patricia Glidden who came to Cayman as a Missionary
Mrs. Alice Jackson
Mrs. Mary Ebanks who was a foster parent to many children over the years.  The young lady on the right end and the young man were two of the children she raised.  I'm not sure, but she may have adopted them.  The second girl from the right comes to our school.
Our good friend, Lorna, who comes to our Church along with her husband Randy and friends, Dawn and Pat.  She does so many things for the Church and is a wonderful lady.
I think Dennis must have been fixing his tie :o)
This lady received the plaque and fruit basket in honor of her husband who was in Education.  Unfortunately, he is in some kind of treatment in Florida.
This is Josie who also attends our Church with her husband and two children.
It was a long but good service and so nice to honor people who deserve the recognition!  Our Premier always organizes this special service.


Vi said...

Wonderful celebration! We have a member of our church who is 103 also. ( No it's not me, LOL! )

Dorcas said...

Do you really? That's amazing!! It may not be you, but at times you think it is, right? haha!!