Saturday, October 9, 2010

How Exciting the Past Eight Days Have Been For Me

Early last Friday afternoon, my next to the oldest sister, Vi, my oldest brother Jim, his wife Cheryl & their son, Mike, came to the Cayman Islands to visit us.  Oh, my, what fun we had making many, many lasting memories!!  I have hundreds of pictures that I'm choosing from to post on here.  So, be sure to come back to see what happened here for the last eight days :o)  And also. . . . . .

On Tuesday, October 5th, I received the most exciting emails that I came my way for a long time.  It was from Brett!!!  Oh, how I treasure hearing from him when he is so far away from me fighting for our freedom and his life is on the line!!  Then yesterday (Friday), I came home from working in the office and saw he called us and that we missed his call.  Oh, how my heart sank!  It literally hurt.  I cried when I realized he had called and I heard his voice on the answering machine, but I was at work and Dennis was visiting someone at the hospital.  I hope he tries to call us again before too long!!  Brett, if you read this, please keep safe and know a lot of prayers are going up for you!!  So, you see, I had a great week plus!!

We love you, buddy!!


Vi said...

Love this pic with the sunset! Thanks for what you're doing, Brett. Pray for you daily! STAY SAFE! Love you!

Dorcas said...

Yes, that picture is beautiful! I'd love to see Mike's from his camera. I'll bet they turned out really, really good! And thanks for your prayers for Brett. I sure do miss him and think of him often!!