Sunday, October 10, 2010

Friday, October 1st, Afternoon

One of our first stops on Friday, was at the West Bay public beach.  This is one of my favorite places on the whole Island where the water is most beautiful.  But the real reason for stopping here was for Dennis to check the Sea and how rough it was.  You see, the Sunday before our company came the Church had a baptizmal scheduled.  If you remember I had posted several pictures previously of a storm we had and how the Sea really "angry", so they had to postpone that special event.
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Here some "tourists" are taking pictures while Dennis looks across the Sea
 As you can see the waves were still crashing in

 Charlotte, this picture is for you.  Look at this beach!  It's where you fell in the Sea.  The beach was washed out to Sea during this storm.  Unbelievable isn't it?  But it will come back if it already hasn't!
 This dock was pretty much ripped to pieces during the last storm and these guys were repairing it


Anonymous said...

Yes, that beach looks totally different. Hope it completely restores itself.


Dorcas said...

Depending on which direction the wind blows those crashing waves in a storm that's what happens, but the sand always gets washed back there! It may take several weeks, but it will be back!