Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cruise Ships, Huge Iguana's, A Mansion and Tourists

While we were out and about on Wednesday, I remembered where there was a little park along the beach at South Sound.  So, when I found it I decided we'd pull in a check it out.  Look at the huge iguana's that were there.
 This is one of the same cruise ships that we saw earlier and now it was down where we were at!

 Isn't this just so pretty?
 Posing by the huge iguana

 This huge mansion is owned by a family that has a big store here on the Island like a Home Depot or Lowe's
 And then we have some tourists posing at the "Welcome to the Cayman Islands" sign in downtown George Town.
 I asked Jim to give me his "disgusted" look :o)
 And these two were clowning around again as usual!  What a pair when they get going!!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I'm loving all your pictures...
so neat...