Saturday, February 16, 2013

At the Boat Dock

Monday, February 11th
When we left George Town, we drove up the road past our house and went to the boat dock.  It's an interesting place to visit.
crabs eveywhere!!
Harold, this is what the Iron Shore looks like.  Lots and lots more coral!!  No sandy beach here.
Do you see Mike way up there?
How he got there is beyond me.  That coral is soooooooo hard to walk on!!
Little pools of water were everywhere from the High Tide!
Jim was crawling around looking at something in the coral and he has a bad knee!!  Notice his one sneaker was off?  It was under his knees as a cushion!!
I love this picture of my siblings that came to visit!!  It was not really planned as they were walking around and I just happened to call their names and they just turned around!!
This is the treasure that Mike found way over in the coral.  They were really tiny little critters!!
Next, come along and go to dinner with us!!


Anonymous said...

It sure looks like you guys had fun....all but Vi! Sorry she got sick on the boat! THAT IS NOT FUN!!!
Can't wait until I can come down! But I DO want to take a jet ski ride, sooooooooo bad!!!

Dorcas said...

Yes, we did have fun!! You'll have to ride the jet ski by yourself or find someone else to go with you :o)