Thursday, June 7, 2012

Busy Weekend Coming Up

This coming weekend is making me very tired just thinking of all the planned activities!!  Tomorrow, June 8th, is our last day of school with dismissal being at 11:00.  I'm planning on a very long day working in the office as several parents still have outstanding school bills which must be paid by Saturday at 11:00 (more on that later).  Then at 6:30 pm on Friday evening is our Early Childhood Program (ECU).  The kindergarten class has their little graduation while the first graders will be showing their newly found talent of reading.  They have been having a contest on reading books.  I'm not sure what the number is up to but if it's not to 1,000 yet it's mighty close!  Saturday morning I'll be in my office from 9 - 11 for any parents who couldn't come in until that time to pay school fees.  I said I'm willing to be in there for those two hours only as the parents have had more than ample time to pay!  After I finish up there we have a wedding to attend at 4:30 ~ Dennis is doing the ceremony.  It's going to be at the Grand Old House.  I talk about this restaurant on here a lot as we love going to their pasta nights.  But it's such a beautiful setting there by the Sea!  Of course, the reception will be there as well and it won't be pasta, I'm sure.  I'm very anxious to see what they will serve!  It's a very fine dining restaurant other than their pasta night.  I'm so excited for our friend, the bride~to~be.  (She is our Church choir director.)  Her future husband arrived on the Island a little over two weeks ago and we're having the privilege of getting to know him.  He seems like a wonderful person, too!  After the wedding, we will hurry home to be at the Church by 7:30 for our Awards Night.  The main reason for me having to go to work on Saturday morning is that all the students school bills must be paid before this special evening for them to receive the awards.  And let me tell you that the kids want their rewars which they so deserve!!  This is a very, very special night for our students who have worked hard all year long.  It is literally ~ rewarding for them!!  There will be all kind of awards, certificates and trophy's given.  I'm hoping we are able to be back from the wedding/reception for this special time with the kids!  The trophy's, etc. are all ready to be given and the students are ready to receive them, I'm sure :o)  Sunday morning we have our regular Church service after which we'll hurry home for probably a lighter dinner and possibly a little short rest.  Then at 4:00 is our Graduation Service for our 2012 graduates!  This, too, is a very exciting time as these students leave the halls of learning to venture out and find their way in the real world.  Some are planning to go off to college here on the Island while the others have various plans.  Following the weekend, the teachers who live here on the compound begin to make their way back home for the summer.  One family is leaving WCA, so they will be moving, of course.  So, after all of these exciting events over the weekend, I should have lots and lots of pictures to post on here.  But until then and everything is history ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hold tight! 


Vi said...

What a full weekend! Hope it's an enjoyable & relaxing one. I won't call you Monday, you'll probably sleep all day,lol. Go to the beach!!!

Dorcas said...

Yes, it's going to be busy!! Today I worked about 10 hours without even taking lunch. Crazy busy!! And I'd go to the beach, but it's been so long since we've been there that I about forget how to get there :o)))