Saturday, April 7, 2012

Our Trip Out to Stingray City

I was able to go out with my family one afternoon while Dennis sat in my office for me.  I'd never been out to Stingray City before and jumped at the opportunity when it came along for my family to go.  A guy from our Church has a big boat that he takes tours out there and Dennis made the plans for us.  Oh, what a day it was.  So much fun!
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A big sailboat we passed
Enjoying the ride
We went 4 1/2 miles out into the Sea
Jim and Michael on the upper deck
Charlotte posing :o))
Vi modeling her hat.  I told her it looked like an Amish bonnet, so . . . . .
she put the brim down, but held on to it so it wouldn't blow away!1
Stingray City is in sight
Jason who was one of our tour guides on the boat.  He was a very nice guy!
Ahhh!!  Stingray's ~ finally!!
I stayed on the boat for a while to get some pictures of my family wading out to the Stingray's
Poor Vi!  She was very scared of the water.  One of the other tour guides helped her out.  Click on the picture to get a better view and see how the guide is smiling :o)  I love you, Vi!!  I just couldn't resist putting this picture on!!
Holding on to Charlotte now
And now to Jim AND Charlotte
Oops!  Look out ~ here I come!!
Charlotte holding and . . . . .
kissing a Stingray.
Vi got brave enough to kiss one, too!
And so did Jim!  I was too busy taking pictures to kiss one!!  haha!!
Mike was turned with his back to me :o(
Jim back on the boat
See all of those dots in the water?  That's people who were on the boat with us that went snorkling.
Maybe Michael was looking for West Bay where we live.
Here we are waiting for all the snorkler's to get back to the boat.
One of the guides was feeding the fish some squid.
I snapped this seagull diving down to catch some squid which was thrown up in the air to him.
Spying the land possibly????  Haha!!
Jason dove down to the bottom of the Sea and brought up two big star fish for us to see.
Here's another one!
And two more.
Passing a catamaran on the way back to shore.
The resort where Charlotte and Richard stayed part of their time here.
Leaving Shane's boat after our trip to Stingray City


Vi said...

What a fun day that was!!!!!

Dorcas said...

Some parts of it were hilarious!! I won't say which one(s). I'll let you guess :o)