Monday, April 30, 2012

Another Trip to the State Park

After quite a long time the boys began to get a little antsy at the river.  Karissa remembered the playground so she and I took the boys there to play for a while.  Oh, they loved that!!
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I know the picture of Jordan is a little blurry, but I love how it shows his hair blowing in the wind as he goes down the slide!
Caden going down with his gun!
And then they both went down
There goes Jordan again . . . . .
and Caden!
These swings were made just for Jordan!  He loved them!!  Look at that adorable lil' face!

We got Caden in a swing and could hardly get him back out!!
Then there were animals to ride!!
Karissa decided to take her turn at it :o)

Still swinging!!
Oh, what a fun time we had at the State Park playing in the water and at the playground!!

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