Monday, September 27, 2010

On the Sea Of Life

For about the past week or so, we've been having some after effects of one of the hurricanes that missed us.  We're getting some windy weather which has kicked up the Sea and has made it very angry!!  The waves are really rough looking out there.  Yesterday afternoon as I was laying on the sofa reading and resting I could hear the waves crashing on the rocks along the coast over across the road.  It was so loud that it almost sounded like thunder.  There were white caps on the Sea even which is very rare here!  Usually the Sea is really calm and the water so beautiful with so many different shades of blue and aqua that it's really breath taking for the first time that you see it.  As I lay there listening to the waves pounding  on the coast, the winds began to howl around the corners of the house.  If I wouldn't know better I would think I was up north and the snow was blowing :o)  Then after work today we drove out to George Town and went to "MY" favorite restaurant Burger King.  I love the view there of the Sea.  When we got out of the car we walked over and looked down into the Sea almost dodging the waves that were coming up over the wall where we were standing.  The beautiful blues and aquas weren't there.  Now there were dirty, sandy waters instead with lots of seaweed.  You never see that unless it's been windy like this.  We stopped and I got some pictures.  It's hard to believe it's actually the same Sea that's usually so calm and pretty.  In fact, we were supposed to have a Baptism Service yesterday after the morning service, but it had to be postponed for a few days to see if the Sea will calm down and clear up.  And that's how my life has been lately ~ churning and turned upside down so to speak!  A lot has been happening and I have a lot of fears and concerns in my life right now.  Brett was supposed to leave this past Friday to go to Afghanistan but it has been changed and he is leaving to go to Virginia and then with the rest of the trip to the Middle East.  He will leave sometime probably between 1 and 3 tomorrow morning.  I'm so concerned about him as he'll be going where it's not fit for our military personnel to be right now!!  I wake up at night and just cry and pray.  Then I worry about Karissa and the boys.  They need to be together as a family and that won't be happening for another 6 months or so.  They all need Brett with them!  The sea's of my life right now are churning and pretty rough.  At times I feel like the waves are literally going to swallow me up!!  It's not a fun feeling, believe me!  I'm waiting for the Master to say "Peace Be Still" and for things to calm down again.  I know it will happen and
it will be soon!!


Jeanne said...

neat video...feels like I was almost there...

Vi said...

Dorcas, I'm getting so excited! I can't believe we'll be there with you on Friday!. I'm praying that the stormy Caribbean & the turmoil with Brett will BOTH subside. Pray for us as we fly! Can't wait to see you!! Lots of love!

Dorcas said...

Come on down!!!

Dorcas said...

I'm getting really, really excited, too!! I hope the time goes really slow while you all are here with us. I'll pray you have a safe flight with no turbulence with all this crazy weather!! You'll be fine though, I know that. Can't wait to see you all. Love you!!

Plainlady's Ponderings said...

I am praying that the Lord will calm the sea. Or maybe He will calm you. Or better yet He will calm both.

Dorcas said...

Life of a Plainlady.....
Thank you, my friend!! You're very kind and thoughtful. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to this post!! I'm doing better right now. Some of my family are here from Pennsylvanina. That's helpful:o)