Friday, May 17, 2013

Fun, Fun, Fun

I sort of forgot about continuing my blog after Mother's Day :o(  I still have some very important pictures to post of our visit with Caden and Jordan!
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We were showing them through our new home and they jumped up on our bed ~ literally!!  They jumped and jumped and jumped!!
There was a time in my life when I wouldn't have allowed that, but how can you tell your Grandkids to stop :O)))  They sure had fun.
Before the boys got to West Virginia, their Pappy and Daddy found Caden's fishing vest and he proudly modeled it for me!!
When I was sorting things in the garage I came across the Duplo Legos and their Daddy and Uncle Bubba's metal Tonka toys.
We went shopping and bought Jordan a tricycle.  Here he had a pair of pliers and was "working" on it :o)  Brett said sometimes if he is working on his truck that Jordan will get tools and crawl under it and help "work"!!  Who knows?  Maybe someday he will be a mechanic!
Caden was taking time out to watch something
My little buddy
Showing me his tee~shirt.  It says "Bad to the Bone" and is from Cayman Islands.  I wonder where they got that?
Putting his toes in his mouth
Wearing a hat and being silly
I also came across two boxes of Lincoln Logs that my three boys enjoyed :o)
Come back as I have lots more pictures to share.


Vi said...

AWE Grammy! Isn't it amazing what Grandchildren can do that their parents were NOT allowed to do!lol!

Dorcas said...

Yep!! That's for sure. They get away with murder :o) Haha!!

Jeanne said...

I know exactly what your saying...

Dorcas said...

Have long will Eric's family be with you? Enjoy them!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute. Isn't it fun when you find their Daddy's old toys?


Dorcas said...

Yes and they seem to enjoy it more, too!!