Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Saturday Morning and Afternoon

We started off by going to the Westin for another delicious breakfast!  Of course, I had to get a picture of our guests!!
And then we started our trip around the Island.  I always like to stop here to snap more pictures.  This was a fun picture :o)
Posing for me :o)
Checking out the pictures I took with their camera
We had to stop at the Blow Holes and it was really performing for us, because the tide was in!!

And Teresa and Donald getting wet :o)
Looking up the beach . . . . .
and down the beach!
The surf was really rolling today!!  So pretty!!
We stopped at the Surfer's Wall to snap some more pictures and this lady was there, too!
See the fin sticking out of the water?  Well, really it isn't a fin, but we think it must be a piece of metal or steel.
Our next stop was at Rum Point ~ as far as you can go on the Island.
I forgot to get a picture of the dock :o(  But we saw Gar (?) fish again.  They are pencil thin and pretty long.  Wish they would've showed up better for Caden!

One of the many signs 
And somebody kept following us around in this little white Corolla!!  Vi, are you here somewhere??? 
And this was at Cayman Kai.  Someone built this out on a sand bar in the Sea!!
What a beautiful day it's been so far.  Next week we are renting two Skidoo's and going out on the Sea.  That should prove to be really interesting :o))  Nervous?  Yes!!  Excited??  Yes!!  I think Teresa feels just like her aunt!  haha!!  Right now our company are at the beach.  Hopefully they don't get burned too bad!!


Vi said...

Great pics. Makes me excited!!! My motherly instincts-PLEASE WEAR LIFE JACKETS!Donald said he was going to take a boat around the island. STAY OUT OF THE BRIGHT SUN, SISTER! Did you all come back to take a nap before dinner? Are you going down in the sub? Have fun!

Dorcas said...

It won't be long now until you are here!! Can't wait to get you on a Skidoo:o) And don't you worry. We will wear life jackets!! Dennis took a long nap & me a short, short one while Teresa & Donald went to the beach. They are going out to dinner, but we have a Church function tonight of all times that we must go to. I think there's a strong possibility of going in the submarine!! Lots of exciting things happening here! Teresa & Donald just got home.

Jimm said...

We are really excited too. Wow! Hope nice weather continues for another month, at least. Going for a dip in the sea soon? And make sure to leave some good eats. MMM
Love to all.

Dorcas said...

And we're excited, too!! I get to do this all over again. YIPPEE!! Yes, hopefully it will be nice when you all come down. Having a good time with our company!! Oh, there's lots of good places to eat. Even Dorcas' Cafe!! Love you, too!!