Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Morning Service

Here are some shots from our Mother's Day Service Sunday Morning!
Children doing a poem with the letters from M-O-T-H-E-R
This lady read a reading titled "Before I Was A Mom".  It was really good and very true!
Reciting Scripture they had memorized
Part of the Congregation yesterday.  One side isn't even in the picture.  We had a good crowd!
These ladies were illustrating Biblical Mother's while another lady read something about each one.
 Favoring us with a special number in song
And then these people showed up to sing :o)
This group was from the Children & Youth Services Foundation Residence.  They, too, sang and did really good!  I was impressed!  A lady from our Church works there.
Presenting the Mother with the youngest child
This lady from our Church cares for a 96 year old lady who is unable to come out to our services.  She took this bouquet of flowers home to her.
Then they presented me as being the "Pastor's Wife and Church Mom" with a lovely bouquet of flowers.
The men sang a special song for the Mother's
This sweet lady was presented a beautiful plaque for "Mother of the Year".  She was totally shocked and is one of my good friends!
Here the Mother's were singing.  There were several ladies who didn't or couldn't go up on the platform.  Not sure how many Mother's were there, but there were a lot!!

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