Tuesday, May 31, 2011

From Tampa to Pittsburgh to Barberton/Akron to Cleveland

When we left visiting with Brett and his family in Tampa, we flew into Pittsburgh.  There we rented a car and drove to . . . . . 
Boy, did it ever make me miss this area where we lived for about 12 1/2 years.  We went to the house where Brandon lived with a friend for a couple of years.  When we got there he already had a lot of his stuff loaded in his work truck and the trailer.  We helped him gather and pack the rest of his belongings and off we drove to Cleveland.  He did not have a tarp to cover his things and it was a great concern as it was very dreary and cloudy.   Thankfully we made it Cleveland where he was moving into an apartment without any rain!!  We unloaded everything and made several trips into his "new" home.  After we finished this trip, we all jumped into his truck and found a Wendy's to get a late lunch.  We again got in the truck and went down about a mile from where he had moved and went shopping at one of my favorite stores in the Akron area . . . . . J.C. Penny's Outlet Store.  Since Brandon has never really lived totally on his own he desperately needed some furniture.  We had given Brett and Karissa all our extras when they married and now we had nothing to give Brandon since we live out of the Country!!  We were able to get everything that he really needed to set up housekeeping.  Here are a few pictures of Dennis and Brandon making sure everything will be okay for the trip back to Cleveland :o)  And yes, we made it safely and without any rain. 

 The closer we got to the city I saw one of the Goodyear Blimp's as it was flying over the Cleveland Indian's Stadium
 This picture was taken from the driveway of Brandon's apartment.  He's really close to the stadium!
 Haha!!  That's my boy!!
 The carpet in the apartment was nothing that Brandon really liked, so we got a big area rug for his bedroom and also the living room.  Here they were trying to decide which way to lay it.

 Still deciding :o)
 Most of the bedroom furniture had to sit in the living-room/kitchen area until we were finished putting the rug down.
The first morning when I looked out the window I saw a beautiful sight of trees just loaded with blossoms.  That's something I don't see here in Cayman.
 Unfortunately, we got to Ohio on Friday and had to leave Sunday morning.  I felt so bad, because Brandon had to work a very long day on Saturday.  While he worked, I unpacked lots of boxes, washed dishes, etc. and tried to arrange the kitchen and bathroom for him.  Dennis ran to the store several times picking up odd and end things we needed.  By the time Brandon had got home, we had the apartment pretty well set up for him except for unpacking his clothes.
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Here was the dinner table/chairs (we got for him) set up waiting for dinner to be served ~ even by candlelight  :o)
 A couple of years ago, I found this china at Penny's Outlet and got two sets of it for my boys.  It was to be a wedding gift, but when we moved we went ahead and gave it Brandon as Brett already had his.  It's so pretty.  Like I said, he didn't have much, so the glassware and silverware we also got him.
 A view of the living-room and his beautiful plush sofa
 A glance of the kitchen area.  There was still a lot of stuff sitting around when I snapped this picture.
 I love this bookcase I found . . . . . 
 and also the lamps.
 When we were leaving the home he moved from I happened to open one of the kitchen cabinets and found a lot of goodies that Dennis and I had canned the summer before we moved from Ohio.  I grabbed those jars of food and when Brandon came home from work Saturday evening I had a delicious homemade spaghetti dinner with our home canned sauce and pepper rings.  Mmmmm!
 I needed an ironing board, but didn't have one.  You'll do what you have to do ~ the bed worked great! haha!!
Another view of the pretty trees that evening when the sun was setting
Left~over spaghetti that went in the freezer for Brandon
A few pictures of the tiny bathroom

I tried to get a good picture of the shower curtain.  It is so masculine and I found it for a steal at Penny's for about $7.00!!  Brandon really likes it!!
And this is the comforter set we got him for his bed.  It too, is really nice!!
I hope you enjoyed your tour of Brandon's new abode!!  It turned out beautiful and I'm so happy for him!!  And it's so much closer to his job.


Vi said...

Cute apt, Brandon! Nice decorating, Martha Stewart!

Dorcas said...

He really does have a nice place! It's not big but good just for him.
Martha :o)