Sunday, June 6, 2010

And What's On Your Roof?

How many do you see?

This guy was so funny! I was watching it off and on for probably an hour or more. One time when I looked, he'd be there. The next time he was gone! Finally, I figured out that he was going in and out of the rain spout! You can always tell when they're in there as you can hear their claws on the metal!!


Jeanne said...

I have birds on my roof...
I don't know if I could handle that thing..

Dorcas said...

Some days we'll see 7 out on the big field/yard where the kids play kickball and 2 or 3 smaller ones in our yard or trees! They don't scare me if I see them first!!

Gayle said...

I could not take that:)

Dorcas said...

After a while you get used to them. They only scare me now if I don't see them and they start running in front of me!! YIKES!! Today I walked out of the school administration building and there was one on one of our teacher's apartment porch roof. Then I saw one on the side of the Church. You never know where you'll see them crawling or clinging!!