Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Dear Mother

The day we left to go up to the States (April 1st) was my dear Momma's birthday!
~     ~    ~     ~     ~
Soon after I was born 
I wanted so bad to do this post, but there just wasn't enough time before we left.  Mom's last several birthday's we tried really hard to make them more special as she was so special and she was getting up in years!!
On this particular birthday, we took her to Olive Garden in Fairlawn.  She was really shocked when they brought a little cake out for her with a candle :o)
I miss you, dear Mother, and miss celebrating your special day.
I love you!!


vi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MOM! We were "very blessed" to have such a loving Mother!!! I really miss her. Still can hear her saying she wasn't surprised. She knew we were planning her party. I LOVE YOU, MOM!!

Dorcas said...

She was so funny! She said she always knew our surprises :o) I think we still pulled some over on her!!

Anonymous said...

You look so much like your mother when she was younger!

Dorcas said...

Hi Doug.....
Thank you for the compliment!!
This is funny that I hear from you as yesterday I was looking at your old blog and thinking of you and your family!! Tell everyone hello for us.