Sunday, September 16, 2012

I'm Still Here

Just thought I'd let you know that I'm still here!  Our house was tore up from one end to the other and everywhere in between for over two weeks.  We've had a major transformation here as every room was painted.  Wow, what a coat or two (or more) of paint can do for you!!  Two men came in and painted it for us while we worked.  Let me tell you that working full~time and then coming home and working in the house for six or seven more hours moving furniture, etc. is very, very tiring.  But thankfully the painting is finished and I only have a few more things to do.  We love our "new" home!!  It is soooooooooooo pretty.  Come on down and check it out!!  Right now, I'm working to get back to blogging the rest of our trip from this summer.  I have many, many pictures to share and more since we're home.  If I get them all on here I'll be busy for a while!!


Vi said...

PAINT PICTURES???????????????????? Can't wait til Feb!!!!!!!!

Dorcas said...

I haven't taken any yet! I know that pictures won't do our "new" house justice! We're so happy with it. I can't wait for you all to come down again! I'm going to email everyone the dates that I have off in February real soon. Love you!!

Anonymous said...

What's your sister talking about? I didn't know you painted pictures....Let me see what pictures you painted..

Dorcas said...

You need to reread this post :o) I don't paint picture OR walls anymore!!