Monday, August 13, 2012

Gift Giving Time

We surprised Brett and Karissa with a new laptop.  Brett got his laptop before he was deployed.....
and most of the time it was very hard to see the boys when we were on Skype!  Now we can see them really good!! 
Caden's birthday was in June, but when we were together in West Virginia back in April we bought his birthday gift and sent it home with them.  It was put away and hidden from him until we got out there.  Here he is hiding his eyes waiting patiently :o)
But first another picture with Pappy and Grammy! 
Finally, he gets the present!  A Nintendo DS.  He really likes it!  It even has a camera on it!
Here everyone is checking it out
Three generations
And now you know why this little guy wasn't in any of the previous pictures.
He was sound asleep :o)