Monday, August 13, 2012

Finally ~ New Mexico

Finally, we made it to New Mexico!  We had counted down the weeks until we'd see Caden and Jordan along with their parents!!  I was so excited that I forgot to have my camera ready for the first sighting of some very, very important Little Men!!  Dennis and I were hurrying through the airport when I heard, "Grammy!"  I was pushing Dennis in a wheelchair and guess I was concentrating on where I was going :o)
The reason that Jordan isn't in the picture is that he went with Dennis and Brett to get our mini van we rented while Karissa and Caden waited with me at the airport.  That's when I finally pulled out my camera!!


Jeanne said...

My family just left this morning..

Dorcas said...

I'm so happy that you got to spend time with them!! There's nothing like it, is there?? My heart hurts for you as it's probably really quiet at your house right now after all the hustle and bustle while they were there.
From one Grandma to another :o)