Sunday, July 4, 2010

Birthday Bash

When we were packing to move here to Cayman, I remembered I had Caden's birthday presents already bought and wrapped!! So, when we loaded the truck to go Miami to have our things shipped here, we put the presents on there to leave at Brett's house until the appropriate time. And the appropriate time was on Saturday! We had our own little belated birthday bash for our Little Man!! The following are some pictures I captured in his excitement!!

Most of his loot :o)


Vi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CADEN. Guess the actual birthday date doesn't matter when there's presents! He's adorable, Gram! Let me tell you, they grow up way too fast!!!!!

Dorcas said...

I hear you ~ one speaking from a voice of experience with your grandkids!! Yep! As long as there are presents who cares if it's the actual birthday!! haha!!