Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Royal Gorge

My oldest brother, Jim, had told me about the Royal Gorge and so we decided to go check it out!
Here we are at the entrance
I love this picture of the "boys" holding hands :o)
They even had a kiddie train
We were pretty disappointed when we saw the price of admission.  If I remember correctly it was around $25.00 each for the adults.  We decided not to pay that as I really don't think I would have walked across the gorge on that bridge.  Brett said he wasn't going to do it as since his last deployment when the plane he was on dropped several thousand feet in the air he isn't too fond of things like this.  It was really senseless for us to pay and not go out there and look around!  But we watched the zipline .
There was a red cable car to ride across the gorge
Zipping by us again
And the cable car getting closer
and almost to it's destination!  I don't think I want to go on one of those either!!
Here's an aerial view from their website
 They had beautiful pots of flowers sitting around which. . . . .
attracted pretty butterflies!!
Caden standing by the "Silver Rock"
He picked until he got a couple little pieces off of it!
The easiest way to get back to the van :o)
 Even though it was off the route we had planned it was a beautiful drive!!


Vi said...

It wouldn't matter if the entrance $$$$ was FREE!!!!! Looks pretty tho ( at a distance . We'll leave the zip-line to our sister, Char!

Dorcas said...

Haha!! We were as close as we could get without paying and you couldn't see the bottom. Yes, when I saw the zipline I immediately thought of Charlotte!! And also took pictures for her :o)