Saturday, October 27, 2012

Missions International Dinner

Last night, Friday, October 26th, was our 1st Annual Missions International Dinner.  We've done this before at the Church we pastored in Ohio and it was always exciting and interesting.  You never know what to expect, but for the first time we had a good turnout of people who brought a lot of food!  Our friends, Scott and Oksana Sobie, who are now Missionaries to the Ukraine use to bring a special dish that was something special to us when we did this dinner in Ohio.  She is from the Ukraine and would make a soup called Borscht.  Dennis was hungry for it so I started out making a pot of it, but ended up with two rather large pots of it :o)  I had emailed Oksana and she sent me her recipe.
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Here are the ingredients:
chopped onions
shredded carrots
a shredded beet
Cooked in oil
Shredded beets

Mix a couple tablespoons of tomato paste with a cup of water and mix with the onions, carrots and beets.
 Peel and cube several potatoes and boil them
Shred a medium head of cabbage
Add a couple cans of beans 
Mix beans and cabbage with potatoes and boil a little while.
Next, add the onion, carrot, beet and tomato paste with the above mixture and let simmer.  And then be sure to take a picture:o)  I forgot the finished look!!  (This was a Russian dish). 
Then I came across a new recipe this week for a chocolate cake with cooked peanut butter icing.  It was so good and tasted just like peanut butter fudge!!  Mmm!!   It was called a Chocolate Texas Sheet Cake (American)
I also made a big dish with sauerkraut with kielbasa cut-up and put mashed potatoes on the top!  Again, mmmmm good!!  (German)


Vi said...

Is borscht served hot or cold? Any iguana dishes???

Dorcas said...

Borscht is served hot. It is like a soup. Sorry to disappoint you, but there wasn't any iguana dishes. My friends are waiting to make them when you all come down!!