Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Off the Dock In George Town

The first night Mike was here, Dennis had a School Council meeting.  So, I took Mike down to George Town for a drive and we stopped at the Burger King on the Sea.  One of my favorite places.  We stood by the steel fence above the water just watching the waves coming in and seeing some fish.  There are the most beautiful purple, blue and also yellow/black stripped fish there.  After just standing there for maybe 45 minutes or so talking, we turned and started walking to the car to leave.  We turned like one last time to look at the Sea and when we did we saw this huge fish.  By this time of the evening, it was already dark as by 7:30 - 8:00 it gets dark here.  We both looked and I think our mouths fell open to our knees.  I'm not sure, but Mike and I both think it was a baby shark.  Yes, there are sharks here.  We decided right then to walk back to the fence and continue to watch.  After a while, a Stingray swam by.  I've never seen one of those at this particular location.  I was so shocked!!  A little while later, we saw these really long fish (maybe up to 4 feet long) swim in.  It was absolutely amazing!!  We probably ended up staying there for almost 2 hours total.  It was so neat.
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So, this particular day we were going to drive around the Island and decided to stop at this dock that's not too far from the Burger King and walk out there.  Here's one of the type's of fish we saw earlier while Mike was here.  We were told they are Tarpen's (not sure of the spelling).  They are BIG fish!!
Mike at the end of the dock . . . . .
with a view of the cruise ships behind him.  Yes, it was getting ready to rain.
A flounder or rather part of the fish that was left.  A man here told us that they clean a lot of fish here in this area.
More tarpen
A pencil thin fish.  I forget what they are called.
A sea urchin
Some more beauty of Cayman


Jimm said...

Certainly is prretttyy!!!
Was there in spirit!

Dorcas said...

Was glad Mike came so we could take the time to enjoy the beauty with him :o)