Monday, July 18, 2011

At the Tampa Airport

After spending some time in the airport with Brett, Karissa, Caden and Jordan we took Caden with us to get our rental mini van.  Brett and Karissa took Jordan with them and went to the cell phone parking lot to wait for us.  This is the scene we saw when we went to meet them.  What a little turkey he is :o)  So cute and pleasant!!!
And this is my Little Big Man who rode with us! 
As we were leaving the airport we saw the plane we flew on from Cayman.  Of course, Caden was very excited when we told him it was the plane from Cayman!! 
And he wanted me to snap a picture of an incoming Southwest plane.  Tampa is a very, very busy airport. 


Jeanne said...

you are becoming quite the "flyer"...

Dorcas said...

When you live on an Island you don't have a lot of choice :o))