Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Update On Dennis

Thankfully Dennis' surgery is now history and the healing process has begun!  He was in surgery several hours yesterday and then of course spent a lot of time in the recovery room.  The waiting before surgery is not so fun.  It was so funny when Dennis talked to me the first time after coming back to his room as he asked me where his jar of stones was at.  I hadn't even seen it!  Later I saw it sitting on the dresser.  When I opened the lid to peer inside I was totally stunned.  There were 20 stones that the doctors removed from the gall bladder!  20!!  The surgeon said, "That was a pretty good harvest:o)"  I decided to spend the night at the hospital with him.  Of course, I didn't get too much rest.  I'm ready to go to bed now as I feel exhausted and he's been sleeping off and on for the last two days because of the anesthseia and pain medicines.  Here is a picture of the great find!!


Vi said...

Looks like enough to make a beautiful necklace! Glad all went well. Get your rest.

Dorcas said...

That's exactly what the surgeon said :o) Yes, we're glad everything went well, too!!

Jimm said...

Now the first part is over and hope the recovery is quick. Let us know when yours is scheduled. LOL

Dorcas said...

Yes, let the healing begin :o) It will take time for those 5 incisions to heal but then it's all over with. When I find out my date I will be sure to let you know! Thanks!!

Gayle said...

Wow! That is a lot of stones! Hope he is doing better.

Dorcas said...

It sure is! After the surgery the tape they used on the bandages caused a bad reaction to his skin. He broke out with blisters and was raw, but that is now healing up!