Sunday, December 11, 2011

Some of My Black Friday Fun

My "pre" Black Friday began Thanksgiving night.  Vi & I went to Walmart for a sale that started at 10:00 pm.  I got a waffle iron for $2.48!!  I was tickled ~ well pink :o)  I was going to buy one here in Cayman a week or so before going to the States and now I'm really, really glad I didn't!!  I picked up a few other items that were on sale, too.  We were in and out of the store in less than an hour.  There were lots of people and many, many that were especially lined up for the electronics sale that didn't start until midnight.  It was good for Vi that I didn't want anything from that sale! haha!!  My niece, Teresa, wanted to know if I wanted to go with her at 1:00 am to start the day.  Believe it or not, I said no!  I knew there was absolutely no way I could start that early.  So, instead I stayed in bed to about 3:00 am when Vi and I got up to start our day.  We went over to Jim's to meet up with the rest of the family who were going "Black Friday" shopping and off we went!  When went to the huge mall in Lancaster and met up with some of the others who had been out for a while.  After our shopping was finished there we went downstairs to the food court and had breakfast ~ at least some of us did.  I had french fries very, very early in the morning.  I think that's a first.  Here's the one's who got up early to continue our fun time of shopping on this the most exciting shopping day of the year!!
Outside of Lowe's before we went in there.  Not sure what Jena (on the left) was doing, but I caught her in motion :o)
Here I am sitting inside my new vehicle ~ a Hummer!
Well, it's not mine!  I guess I was dreaming there for a minute.  It's my niece, Teresa's.
Julia doing some modeling for us :o)
And here she was doing what her Aunt Charlotte does in the Kohler showroom in Wisconsin
Vi modeling her latest two new bibs!  haha!!

Now you may ask, "What in the world are these two doing?"
To be honest I wasn't really sure myself at first!
Are they being earnest and sincere in their shopping and praying??
Still on their knees
I found out later they were looking for something rather special, but I don't think they ever did find their treasure!!  I just thought it was rather funny that they were down there like that for several minutes.  They were desperate anyway!!  What fun we always have together as family when we go out Black Friday shopping.  I was not disappointed with all the fun we had this year either :o)


Vi said...

Great Black Friday Shopping! I'm surprised Jimm could get back up as long as they were searching!Wonderful memories!!!!

Dorcas said...

Haha!! Isn't that the truth. I know I sure would have had to have help up off that hard floor!!