Friday, February 5, 2010

Meet and Greet Time With The Governor

Last Wednesday, January 27 th, our district of West Bay was privileged to have a "Meet and Greet Time" with the new Governor, Mr. Duncan Taylor and his wife. So, our Church lifted it's service so we could join in the celebration. Here in Cayman the government helps the Churches, so it was very proper for all to attend who possibly could! The celebration was held at non other than the popular Turtle Farm which happens to be up the road from us about a mile or so. What a neat place to visit!! Some of the beautiful creatures we saw
There's hundreds of turtles here!!!!!

I love this picture :o)
This guy was playing the Steel Drum! It sounds so pretty!!
Quite a few of our school students were there as it was a big thing for schools and Churches to be present!!
Of course, our own Premier was there (his wife is in the background to the left).
A closer view of Mr. McKeeva
The Governor, a man from the Department of Education, the Premier and Mrs. Governor :0))
Talking with a student
This is my friend, Debbie. She attends our Church and also works in the school. In the picture, she is with her Scout group. We've known her and her husband for several years as they are some of the one's who go to the same Youth Camp we go to in PA.
The Governor speaking with our students and principal (in the blue shirt).
Dennis got to shake hands with him ......
while I continued to take a lot of pictures :o) I was right up there within a few feet of them!! Pretty neat!!
A small portion of the crowd that was there
The Premier's wife to the left
Dennis with a group from our Church/School. I think four of the five ladies are from Jamaica. What sweet people they are!!!!!
When we left the Turtle Farm this is the beautiful scene we saw across the road!!


Vi said...

Great pics. Looks like all had a wonderful time celebrating. Turtles, I have no problem with turtles! LOL!!! Keep the pics comin'. Beautiful sunset.

Dorcas said...

It was a fun evening!! The Governor & family are supposed to come to our Church sometime. That will be neat!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the turtle farm.....I love it!

Dorcas said...

Ms. Anonymous.....
It's right up the road from our house.