Dennis had told me that he was taking me on a trip around the Island on Thursday as there was no school because of Mid~Winter break. So, he asked three of the teachers to go with us. We had a great time!! We left our house around 10 am and were back by mid afternoon. That included time spent sitting in Wendy's after eating lunch and making a stop at the grocery store. The Island is only 76 square miles so it doesn't take long to make the journey :o)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Another teacher had told us that he was going to Rum Point on Thursday. Now I know why he was going there. What a beautiful, beautiful place. I know I keep saying that but I just can't help it!!
After we found a parking place we were making our way toward the water when I looked down and saw these little things on the ground. Our friends said they were almonds. Here's Miss Samms cracking on open for us to eat. They were very tasty and I wanted to pick them all up to bring home to eat ~ but I didn't!!
Miss Blake & Miss Maisey watching
Our first view of the Sea at Rum Point
Wow Dorcas..
I thinks you must be in Paradise..
What a beautiful place...
I love it...
Isn't it purty???? I'm enjoying it so much!!
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