Last Saturday, Dennis had his first funeral here at Grand Cayman. A younger man from the community passed away from cancer and his sister contacted Dennis to have the service. The former Pastor said it was a small funeral compared to most. There was probably about 100 people there and usually there's at last 300 ~ 400 people. WOW!! That's a big funeral. The service was typical to an American funeral, but with lots of singing and many, many tributes. This man had been a well known football player here on the Island during his high school years and several of his team mates were here. I thought that was pretty neat! I had to play the piano. That part went well! At first, I was nervous, but then our friend (the former Pastor) came and played the organ. That was a big relief to me!! He said since the man wasn't from our Church I wasn't obligated to go to the cemetery. Dennis said the graveside service is very, very different from the one's in America. When they get to the burial site they sing and sing and sing. While singing the men apparently who work for the cemetery put the casket in the vault, seal it right there in front of the people with cement and put it down in the ground! That's got to be awful hard on the family!! But that's what they're used to. Just thought I'd share a little about it.
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Part of the crowd who attended the funeral.
(Picture was taken through our livingroom window)
When I took this picture, I didn't notice until later that I got the hearst!
Dennis had went to meet the family at the funeral home last Friday when they went to the viewing. Of course, he's always very friendly and started talking to the funeral director. He's down here and owns a couple funeral homes on the Island and is originally from West Virginia! What are the chances Dennis finding someone living down here from West Virginia. He told the man we'll invite him over sometime for ham, fried potatoes and pinto beans!!
Love that he found one of his own!!
He was so excited to find someone living all the way down here from WV :o))
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