Early tomorrow, we board a jet and fly to Miami and then to Antigua!! WOW!! I have to pinch myself here to make sure this is true. I never dreamed I'd get to go to Antigua let alone to live in the Cayman Islands. Talk about Paradise!?!?!?!
Dennis & two ladies from our Church are going to attend our Church Conference there. I'm not sure what I'll be doing. If I have it my way, I'd just be happy relaxing in our Beach Resort Hotel!! Doesn't sound too shabby, does it??
So, the blog may be quiet for a few days unless I take my laptop along and find out they have Internet access :o) That would make me very happy!! Until then ~ BON VOYAGE!!

boy oh boy!!!
After this trip I think the suitcases can be put away for a while :o)
W O W !!!!!!!!! Where did you buy these postcards? ( chuckle, chuckle ). BEAUTIFUL! I'm really getting antsy now. Guess I better get on my tour guide!
Well, since I had NOT been to Antigua when I posted these pictures, I got them online and they are actual pictures from there.
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